Get a Good Gifts Online

Posted by Android On Minggu, 28 Juni 2009 0 komentar
Looking for a gifts for your brother, your parents, and your child that can make him very glad? I know what you looking for. Because there's a great source for you. That's “Posy Lane”. I will explain a few about this site history. Posy Lane, Inc. was the site that had founded by Nathen and Kerrie Barton in 2007. The store-front was located in downtown McKinney, Texas in the historic downtown square. Customers quickly came to rely on Posy Lane to supply them with unique gifts and invitations for every occasion, as well as printing and embroidery services. One that we can get about this company is it is an experienced company.

Once you has visit this site, you will see a lot of gifts that you can choose. Such as plates, cups, backpacks and etc. But, the most recommended by this site for your family are the nap mat, toddler backpacks, and kids backpacks. A lot of style of those products has provided on this site. Beside those top product, Posy lane was provide another too. Like Personal Gifts, Children gifts, Baby gifts and back to school properties. You can look it alone by visiting this site.

The most priority of Posy Lane is customer service. They will serve you with the best and professional serving. Because the customer was the king. Just visit here, and give your relations most sensational gifts.

change laout facebook

Posted by Android On 0 komentar
Bosan dengan tampilan facebook yang begitu-gitu saja tanpa variasi, tidak seperti friendster atau myspace yang bisa kita kostumisasi sesuai dengan kemauan kita. Kalau begitu coba yang satu ini, dengan cara ini kita dapat mengganti tampilan halaman facebook menjadi lebih bagus dan yang paling penting bisa dikostumisasi sendiri.
ada 2 cara yang akan saya tunjukan kepada para blogger setia,check this out :

1. Merubah tampilan layout facebook dengan cara for mozilla firefox only)
- download add-ons mozzila
-klik "add to firefox", installasi and restart mozilla firefox
-pilih tampilan yang diinginkan di sini
-klik tombol "Install with Stylish"
-save dan refresh halaman facebook Anda

2. Merubah tampilan layout facebook dengan cara

-kunjungi website Yontoo
-pilih "Start Installation"
-install Add-ons dan restart mozila
-pasang aplikasi PageRage di facebook
-pilih tampilan yang diinginkan
-lihat profile anda

Note :
Cara no.1 hanya bekerja pada komputer sendiri yang sudah diinstal add-on stylish
Cara no.2 hanya bekerja pada pada komputer yang sudah diinstal add-on Yontoo dan pemilik facebook memasang aplikasi pagerege. Hal ini memungkinkan orang lain dapat melihat tampilan facebook kita jika mereka melakukan hal yang sama.
Facebook tidak sama seperti Myspace/Friendster yang secara resmi dapat mengubah tampilannya sesuai dengan keinginan kita. Cara ini hanya akal-akalan dari pencipta add-on yang kreatif.
READ MORE for video games

Posted by Android On 0 komentar
Over there are many things that they can do at home beside washing the car or just sweeping out the house that make them bored. Video Games
is the reason why people can stay at home in a long time though at a dirty and spooky room. Do you believe it? If you hard to believe it, try to buy a console game
then you can feel that the time in this world have been stopped by it.

If you want to buy video games through internet you’d better search it through reference site of website that provides you a guide to buy
such a thing based on internet. If you’re looking for the best place to receive best directory with its detailed information you can search it through Shop Wiki. In this directory store you can compare and even you can make this online directory store as your best reference site. They have also different kinds of video games controllers
that you can buy if you want too. Depending on your needs on what do you want to buy.You can see their owesome buying guide.

They also can give you handheld for those console or even the tips and tricks
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Tips Blackberry for Newbie

Posted by Android On Jumat, 26 Juni 2009 0 komentar
Buat para pemula yang baru menggunakan BlackBerry, kita mesti melakukan settingan dulu agar BlackBerry kita dapat berfungsi dengan normal untuk email, chatting atau browsing. Caranya sangat mudah!

Bnyak yang berfikiran bahwa yang namanya PDA harus melakukan setting yang rumit, untuk pengguna awam akan mengalami kesusahan dalam penggunaan dan setting. di BlackBerry, semuanya sederhana saja. Cukup beberapa langkah dan anda sudah dapat menikmati layanan BlackBerry.

Untuk prabayar ada sedikit tambahan settingan awal yakni regristrasi atau aktifasi koneksi GPRS dan regristrasi BlackBerry. Berikut ini adalah paparan langkah untuk settingan BlackBerry mulai dari awal.

Khusus untuk prabayar, anda harus melakukan regristrasi/aktifasi GPRS dan BIS (BlackBerry Internet Service), karena sampai saat ini belum ada operator lain yang mengusung BlackBerry Prepaid maka yang dipaparkan disini simPATI saja.

1. Registrasi GPRS

KEtik “GPRS” (tanpa tanda kutip) dan kirim ke 6616, dalam beberapa saat anda akan mendapatkan notifikasi “Your request for GPRS setup already received. Please wait max 48 hours for successful activation.” Kemudian jika berhasil akan dapat notifikasi sms yang isinya “Welcome to Telkomsel GPRS Service ! Your service has been activated. Please visit for more information.”

2. Regristrasi BIS

Ketik “BB REG” (tanpa tanda kutip) dan segera anda akan mendapatkan balasan “Anda akan dikenakan biaya berlangganan BlackBerry Rp.180rb/30 hari. Jika bersedia ketik BBON ke 333. Pastikan ponsel anda telah didukung layanan ini.”

3. Aktivasi BIS

Ketik “BB ON” (tanpa tanda kutip) dan segera anda akan mendapatkan notifikasi “Selamat, layanan BlackBerry Prepaid Unlimited Anda telah diaktifkan s/d 23/07/2008. Silahkan restart hp anda & daftarkan email anda di Hubungi 116 untuk info lebih lanjut”

Sebelum anda mulai menggunakan BlackBerry anda, pastikan terlebih dahulu apakah handset anda sudah siap. Ada 3 cara sederhana untuk mengetahuinya.

1. Lihat tulisan d kanan atas, jika tertera GPRS atau EDGE (dalam huruf besar) berarti handset anda sudah terhubung ke server BlackBerry. Jika masih tertera GSM atau GPRS/EDGE berarti handset anda belum siap. Coba matikan wireless atau cabut baterai anda sebentar, jika setelah proses itu masih belum ada GPRS/EDGE maka pastikan kembali apakah anda sudah aktifasi GRPS atau BIS dengan operator anda.
2. Icon E-mail setting seharusnya muncul jika semua proses telah berhasil.
3. Untuk lebih memastikan lagi, buka Options (atau settings, tergantung theme yang anda gunakan) - Advanced Options - Service Book dan liahat apakah sida ada provisioning. Jika sudah ada berarti kita melangkah ke level berikutnya.
Selanjutnya kita masukkan email dan sedikit setting, caranya adalah buka Browser, tekan Menu - Go To dan masukkan http:.BlackBerrycom dimana diganti dengan operator anda yaitu Telkomsel, Indosat atau XL. Atau lebih gampangnya pilih saja icon E-mail Settings dan anda akan mendapatkan tampilan selamat datang, untuk konfirmasi silahkan pilih Yes dan I Agree

Selanjutya anda akan diminta memasukkan alamat email anda, sebaiknya hindari email kantor jika anda tidak mengetahui detail user name / password / incoming server anda atau konsultasikan dengan pihak IT kantor anda.

Langkah selanjutnya adalah membuat user name dan password untuk login ke BIS Client. Hal ini sangat penting untuk dikerjakan karena jikalau nanti anda memutuskan untuk ganti handset BlackBerry lain, anda akan membutuhkan user name dan password ini atau mengulangi lagi langkah dari awal, juga untuk mencegah hal yang tidak diinginkan. Misalkan handset anda hilang. Biarkan saja account anda yang lama tetap berada di handset yang lama (jangan dipakai lagi account tersebut) dan pencuri handset anda tidak akan bisa memakai handset itu karena account anda masih exist dan terkunci ke PIN handset yang hilang.

Perhatian : Username dan password ini sangat penting jadi pergunakanlah username dan password anda yang paling anda ingat

Selesai semua ini jika anda masih mau menambah email address lain silahkan atau mau membuat email bisa dilakukan dan jangan lupa untuk logout. Anda bisa menambahkan sampai 10 alamat email untuk menikmati teknologi email gegas, syarat email yang bisa ditambahkan ke dalam handset hanya cukup memakai protokol POP3 atau IMAP4, mengetahui username dan password, kecuali karena Yahoo! sudah bekerjasama dengan RIM

Sekarang BlackBerry anda siap digunkan, tinggal menunggu saja email akan masuk sendiri. Selamat ber “autis” ria dengan BlackBerry anda.


Microsoft Office 2007 Product Key Free

Posted by Android On Selasa, 23 Juni 2009 0 komentar
If you have come looking for free Microsoft Office 2007 product key, you have come to the right place to get all the information.

Office Professional 2007, Office Home & Student 2007, Office Standard 2007, Office Small Business 2007 are all available for free download from Microsoft. It also comes with a 60 day trial period.

The Office Professional 2007 suite includes:

* Microsoft Office Access 2007
* Accounting Express 2008
* Microsoft Office Excel 2007
* Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager
* Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007
* Microsoft Office Publisher 2007
* Microsoft Office Word 2007

In order to start your trial period, you must activate the trial software. Also, note that an internet connection is required to activate your trial.

The Trial period begins after you activate. You can launch the application for a total of 25 times before having to enter the Product Key and Activating the product. During the activation process you'll be notified when the trial will expire.

How to Activate the Trial

The process to activate your trial software begins automatically when you open any Microsoft Office System product for the first time. I will direct you to a step-wise procedure now.

Trial Product Key

Enter the 25 character Trial Product Key in the Setup dialog box.
Then click Continue. Next, the Microsoft Software License Terms will appear.

Microsoft Software License Terms (MSLT)

You must accept the terms of the Microsoft Software License Terms (MSLT) to use the trial. To accept it, select "I accept the terms in the License Agreement." Then, click Continue, and the Activation Wizard will open.

Activation Wizard

In the Activation Wizard, Select I want to activate the software over the Internet and click Next.

The wizard will lead you through the activation process. When this process is complete, you will receive a notice that activation has been successful. The notice will indicate the date when the trial will expire.

Ways to Convert the Trial into Full Version

You can convert from the trial software to a full-version either before or after your trial period ends.

Before the trial period ends

You will start receiving expiration reminder messages indicating the date when the trial will expire. At this point, you can convert to the full product in two ways:

1. In any of the expiration reminder messages, click Convert, and then follow the steps in the conversion process, below.

2. At any time during the trial period (or even after the trial has expired), you can open any of the Microsoft Office System products, and in the Help menu: click Activate your software.

After the trial period expires

The software goes into reduced functionality mode. Some of the limitations of reduced functionality mode include the following:
- You can not create any new files.
- You can view existing files, but you can not modify them.
- You can print files, but you can not save them.

How to Convert Microsoft Office 2007 to Full Version

This requires that Microsoft Office 2007 has been installed without the product key in the first place.

Once Microsoft Office 2007 has been installed with no product key, proceed as follows:
1. In Windows Explorer, browse to the following folder:

C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedOFFICE12Office Setup ControllerProof.en

2. Right click on Proof.XML file, select Open With in the right click menu.

3. In the Open With window, select Notepad to be used to open the XML file.
[Note: In Windows Vista, if you can’t see the Notepad option, simply double click the “Other Programs” to unhide it.]

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the Proof.XML to locate the following lines:

5. Change the AlwaysInsalled to neverInstalled so that the line looks like following:

6. Save the Proof.xml file.

7. You can now launch Microsoft Office 2007 application such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook and etc without prompting for activation.

Note: Information via mydigitallife, we haven't tested it ourselves. It is for informational purposes only and not intended to be used.

Update Product Key!!!


The Free Phone Info Source

Posted by Android On 0 komentar
Are you looking for the man who usually call you with mysterious callers and unknown offers? And it make your self worry? Don't be afraid. You can now just report and discuss it online with the other person that have the same case. You can inform your callers Phone Number Info in and will make the others more aware with your case. gives internet users the suitable forum to expose your onknown callers such as bill collectors, prank callers and etc. Every day, thousands of users visit our site and leave comments about a number that have called them. The most function of this site is to make the other users more aware of what to expects when this number calls them. The most part of this site is you can just leave a command without sign in, and this site never collect any of your personal information like your last names, address, and your emails. With your help and the help of other users, this site will now start putting an end to the callers Number Information.

And the last one, this service was absolutely free. Just try to tell your experienced here when you get an annoying call from a suspicious number, and don't let the others meet the same situation as you are. Because this site was the best Phone Info Source.

Intel Joining Nokia to Develop Mobile Pocket PC

Posted by Android On 0 komentar
Intel Corp. and Nokia Corp. said Tuesday they're joining forces to build better technology for smart phones and other mobile Internet devices.

The deal is significant for Intel because it will help the world's biggest maker of PC microprocessors penetrate the smart phone market, an area Intel sees as crucial for growth.

Intel now makes smaller, lower-power chips for devices like "netbooks" — stripped-down laptops that do less and cost less. The company wants its chips used in other devices that act as computers, like smart phones made by Nokia.

Nokia gets Intel's agreement to license modem technology from Nokia and build it into future Intel chips.

The companies said in a joint release that they will also collaborate extensively on research projects, including improving the operating software for mobile devices. Any breakthroughs there should make the gadgets more attractive to consumers, which would sell more Nokia phones, presumably with Intel chips inside them.

The companies already collaborate on research projects, but Tuesday's announcement signals their intention to build products together. No specific products were announced.

"The possibilities are endless," Anand Chandrasekher, Intel's ultra mobility group general manager, said in a statement.
The companies said they would collaborate on improving so-called "open-source" software for mobile devices. Open-source software is code that's distributed freely on the Internet so programmers can modify and improve it on their own.

Kai Oistamo, Nokia's executive vice president of devices, said the deal represents a significant commitment between the two companies to work together on the future of mobile computing.

"We will explore new ideas in designs, materials and displays that will go far beyond devices and services on the market today," Oistamo said.

Shares in Santa Clara, Calif.-based Intel were up 13 cents to close Tuesday at $15.81. Nokia, based in Espoo, Finland, rose 38 cents, or 2.7 percent, to $14.46.

Get Your Online Community Now

Posted by Android On Senin, 22 Juni 2009 0 komentar
You don’t have a community? wanna look for online community? Why does community is important for us? You can take a lot of profit by having a community on the internet. You can talk more about your life, your activity and your business. You can also learning business based your friend experience. It will give you a lot of experience and virtual learning. It’s easy to find our online community that suitable with our advantage. But, it will be difficult for a newbie people to find their online community. I has a good answer for that problem. That’s not only give you a Daily News. But, is a very active social based conversation site that will offer you a selection of easy-used widgets that will give you complete control while you interact with the community. You can easily decide what information you would like to know and then will auomatically update your account with your friends' latest blog posts, emails, updates and more. Wow, that’s incredibly easy and enjoyable.

Beside that, has an updated daily news section where the thoughts members can discuss breaking news stories and participate their self in community news discussions. A lot of great features on this site and honest thoughtful posts make one of the most interactive communities on the web until now. The people at thoughts enjoy writing. You don’t have to agree with everyone talking, but, you must be respectful of each other and they also ask you to consider others peoples perspective in the case of disagreements. Because socialize was the first thing we must know. It will give you a lot of learning by joining

Gadget terkini gratis! mau?

Posted by Android On Minggu, 14 Juni 2009 0 komentar
Gratis!!! Kenapa saya sebut gratis, ya karena kita tidak mengeluarkan uang sepeserpun untuk dapetin hp yang tersedia. Cuma disini kita harus ada usaha sedikit yang membutuhkan waktu yang kita miliki. Adalah Xpango perusahaan yang memberikan gadget berupa game console, hp, mp3 player dan hdtv. Disini saya fokuskan kepada hp gratis karena kebetulan saya pengen hp, tetapi anda nanti tidak harus memilih hp kok… silahkan pilih yang anda inginkan dan anda rasa bisa

Untuk mendapat gadget tersebut kita harus mempunyai credit atau sebut saja poin. Poin ini bisa di dapat dengan 3 cara yaitu offer, clix atau referral. Cara yang paling mudah dan gratis adalah dengan referral meskipun membutuhkan waktu ini adalah cara yang sangat gratisan. Untuk setiap gadget yang berbeda juga membutuhkan jumlah poin yang berbeda pula. Karena itu saya katakan pilih sesuai dengan kemampuan anda. Tetapi yang perlu anda pikirkan adalah bahwa untuk mendapat poin adalah hal yang sangat mudah. Coba anda bayangkan berapa banyak pengguna internet di Indonesia atau di dunia yang enggak mau barang bermerk dan gratisan pula. Berpikirlah OPTIMIS.

Ok sekarang saya akan menjelaskan cara mendaftarnya dan ini juga gratis.
1.silahkan daftar disini
2. Anda masuk xpango kemudian klik “gifts”
3. Akan terbuka halaman mobiles phones, coba anda letakkan kursor di atas salah satu gambar hp, di situ akan keluar rinciannya dan jumlah credit atau poin yang dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan gadget tersebut.
4. Oh iya jika anda tidak tertarik dengan hp silahkan anda pilih jenis gadget yang lain dengan klik tabs yang ada di pojok kiri atas (gaming, mobile, mp3, hdtv).
5. Silahkan tentukan gadget yang di inginkan dengan klik gambarnya.
6. Muncul halaman baru klik “select this gifts”.
7. Muncul halaman registrasi silahkan di isi. Oh iya saya sarankan pake nama asli.
8. Pastikan referral id di isi91706426.
9. Klik register.
10. Muncul halaman dengan pesan yang artinya kira-kira silahkan periksa e-mail anda.
11. Buka e-mail anda dan baca e-mail dari xpango kemudian klik link yang ada.
12. Selamat anda sudah terdaftar.
13. Silahkan mulai mengumpulkan poin dan mari kita dapatkan gadget dengan gratis.
14. Satu lagi untuk melihat jumlah poin silahkan klik “my account”.

cukup mudah bukan, hanya cukup mencari referal dan anda bisa apa yang anda inginkan.


Daftar isi

Posted by Android On Jumat, 12 Juni 2009 0 komentar


Receive SPAM and Earn Money

Posted by Android On Kamis, 11 Juni 2009 0 komentar
We all hate SPAM, it is everywhere, in our inbox, in our blog comments, in our IM messages and what now. But what would you say if you get paid to receive spam. Boxbe is a service that lets you choose the type of advertisement you want to receive and actually pays you for doing so.

It also lets you create a guest list so that you always receive email from that people. Any other person not included in the guest list will receive a
request to verify the message before it gets delivered to your desktop. You even will have an option to include all your address book contacts to your guest list. Message will also be given priority depending on the sender being on your guest list or not. But the most innovative thing is that you can select business which you want to receive mail from. For more details, check here.

being asked to verify a message each time you send a message to your friend from a new email. What do you guys think about it ?


Send Free SMS With Jaxtr

Posted by Android On 0 komentar
There's a new site that can provide free sms for us. That's Jaxtr. Now with Jaxtr, you can send free SMS worldwide to 38 countries. You can send messages to anyone irrespective of whether he is a Jaxtr user or not. The message can be sent directly from the member’s Jaxtr page. You will have to register with Jaxtr. The basic membership is free and you can send SMS using that. So what else can you need.

There is one limitation. The maximum of the message can be only 65 characters. So your messages have to be to the point. But as you are paying not a single penny for the messages, you won’t mind this. The good thing is that, there are no ads displayed along with the messages. I tried sending a message to my mobile and it was delivered immediately. At the end of the message, there will be a return link using which people can reply to your messages.


Top 10 Connection Speed Country

Posted by Android On 0 komentar
At the end of 2008, approximately 19 per cent Internet connections around the world were at speeds greater than 5 Mbps — a 21 per cent increase over the average global connection speed at the end of 2007.

This is according to the State of the Internet report, a quarterly study by Akamai Technologies, the US-based Internet content distribution giant. The State of the Internet report tracks average connection speeds for countries around the world.

Check out the top 10 nations in terms of average Internet connection speed.

1. South Korea

South Korea rules supreme when it comes to Internet connection speed and broadband connectivity. It is the world’s No.1 with average connection speed of 15 Mbps, ten times the global average!

During 2008, South Korea’s rate of quarterly change appeared to be locked into a cyclical pattern, with quarterly decreases being recorded in the first and third quarters, and increases seen in the second and fourth quarters.

For the whole year, South Korea saw a modest 7 per cent rise in their levels of high broadband adoption. South Korea is also ranked first in terms of high broadband connectivity with 69 per cent connections above 5 Mpbs.

2. Japan

Japan ranks 2nd in terms of Internet connection and high broadband connectivity. Japan ranks 2nd in terms of high broadband connectivity. About 54 per cent of the connections in Japan are above 7 Mbps.

3. Hong Kong

Hong Kong ranks third with an Internet connection speed of 6.9 Mbps. The country ranks fifth in terms of high broadband connectivity with 38 per cent of the connection above 5 Mbps.

4. Romania

Romania is at the fourth position with a Internet connection speed of 5.7 Mbps. The country ranks third in terms of high broadband connectivity with 45% of the connection above 5 Mbps.

5. Sweden

Sweden is at the fifth position with a Internet connection speed of 5.6 Mbps. Sweden ranks fourth in terms of high broadband connectivity with 39 per cent of the connection above 5Mbps.

6. Switzerland

Switzerland has bagged the sixth position with an Internet connection speed of over 5 Mbps. The country however does not figure in the top ten list of countries with high broadband connectivity.

7. Netherlands

Netherlands ranks 7th with an Internet connection speed of 4.9 Mbps. The country ranks 7th in terms of high broadband connectivity with 28 per cent of the connections above 5 Mbps.

8. Belgium

Belgium is at the 8th position with an Internet connection speed of 4.7 Mbps. The country ranks sixth in terms of high broadband connectivity with 31 per cent of the connection above 5 Mbps.

9. Slovakia

Slovakia bags the ninth position with an Internet connection speed of 4.5 Mbps. The country does not figure among the top ten in terms of high broadband connectivity.

10. Norway

Norway ranks tenth with an Internet connection speed of 4.5 Mbps. The country ranks fifth in terms of high broadband connectivity with 38 per cent of the connection above 5 Mbps.

United States is at the 17th position with an Internet connection speed of 3.9 Mbps, up approximately 8 per cent from the average connection speed for the first quarter of 2008.

In terms of Internet connection speed, China is way behind leading economies with an average Internet connection speed of 833 kbps.

India has been ranked at a dismal 115th among 223 countries in terms of average Internet connection speeds. India has an average Internet connection speed of just 772 Kbps compared with the global average of 1.5 Mbps.

Where is indonesia ??? ^^


The Smartphone Duel, BB vs I-Phone

Posted by Android On 0 komentar
When Apple released the iPhone to the market, it redefined the cell phone. Since then, other manufacturers have been scrambling to make a competing device that will operate on networks other than AT&T and not only do what the iPhone does well, but also address its shortcomings. In short, they have been trying to come up with an “iPhone Killer.” This is no easy task, to be sure. One just has to note that this is not the first time that Apple has set a high standard for an electronic device. Even now there is some debate over whether any company has come out with the definitive “iPod killer.”

Over the past months there has been a lot of anticipation aimed at Research in Motion (RIM) and their new BlackBerry model, the Storm, which many a BlackBerry user has been hoping will be their answer to the iPhone. Well, it finally hit the market today and on November 19, the site engadget published a very detailed review that should prove very helpful to anyone considering buying one of these devices. Unfortunately, it was not an unqualified endorsement. In summing up his review, Joshua Topolsky states,

"[the Storm is] not as easy, enjoyable, or consistent to use as the iPhone, and the one place where everyone is sure they have an upper hand — that wow-inducing clickable screen — just isn’t all that great. For casual users, the learning curve and complexity of this phone will feel like an instant turn off, and for power users, the lack of a decent typing option and considerable lagginess in software will give them pause. RIM tried to strike some middle ground between form and function, and unfortunately came up short on both.”

Another good and thorough review can be found at The Boy Genius Report. Unfortunately, the bottom line of that review is also not very complimentary:

“It’s not that the Storm is a piece of junk for the most part, it’s that it goes against everything a BlackBerry stands for… Quick. Easy. Effortless. The touch screen on the Storm complicates the simplest of tasks sometimes, you lose that lightning fast BlackBerry crack-addict mentality, at least to us.

The whole point of a BlackBerry and what BlackBerry users bragged about to their co-workers, friends and family to was that a BlackBerry was straight-forward and completely uncomplicated. The Storm complicates things. There’s not one thing you can do faster on a Storm than you can on a Bold. Typing is mediocre at best, and to tell you the truth, it really does get tiring at times. It’s not something we can bang out 250-word emails on like we can on every other QWERTY BlackBerry in the past. It hinders your mobile device experience, in our opinion, if you are a raging lunatic on your BlackBerry. It just doesn’t compare to the BlackBerry Bold. At least not in the current incarnation.”

Both reviews laud the solid construction of the device, and there are some positive notes about the browser upgrade, the faster 3G network and some other features, but the negatives noted were many, including:

* No WiFi (apparently at the specific request of Verizon)
* Difficulty with the touch screen for typing, as opposed to the hardware-based QWERTY keyboard.
* No inertia on the scrolling (the scroll stops dead with your finger).
* The UI is not custom built for touch navigation;
* Although the “clickable” SurePress screen is touted by RIM, it actually slows down typing.
* Transitions between apps is sluggish
* The library of available third party apps is weak, although RIM promises this to change, as they ramp up their own app store.
* Camera frustrating because it takes too long for it to focus and snap a picture.
* No solid GMail integration.

I am sure there will be a lot of disappointed people (especially BlackBerry fans) that have been waiting expectantly for this phone. Many of these issues may be resolved as RIM tweaks the OS and some of the physical characteristics of the phone, but it looks like the wait isn’t over for the iPhone killer.


See Facebook Private Album

Posted by Android On 0 komentar
Facebook has grown stupendously popular over the years. Today we are here with a different intention.

While privacy is a thing of assurance for some, it is annoyance for most. So here is a trick that will help you to see any locked profile. This trick will let you see anyone’s tagged photos even if they are private for you.


Step1: Log into facebook and don't worry about making another account. They will not be able to trace you down and ban you.


* Find the person's unique profile ID.
* Search for them and click view friends or send message.
* Write the unique ID from the address bar (only the numbers) or copy it somewhere else.

Step3: Now that you have your unique profile ID you can use the next two links to view a total of 40 tagged photos:

If you wish to see tagged photos added by others use this link:[Unique ID]&id=[Unique ID]

If you wish to see tagged photos added by themselves use this link:[Unique ID]&id=[Unique ID]

Each link contains two places for [Unique ID] you simply replace this with the person’s unique ID that you have copied at the first step.

REMOVE THE BRACKETS IN [UNIQUE ID] .. replace that whole thing with the profile ID you copied.

Step4: You can now see up to 40 photos of someone on a private profile. Enjoy.


Countrywide Training Onsite

Posted by Android On Jumat, 05 Juni 2009 0 komentar
Nowadays, internet has growing faster, it means that day to day more people access the internet in one time. With the growing of internet, the IT company must increase their performance. One of them is good operating system and skilful operator. Such as the new operating system from microsoft, that is windows server 2008, the IT operator is the vital part of network, because we must careful in operate this section. Just a highly qualified people can reach this area. Most of the employee in the IT company want to get this position in company. But, it’s difficult. Only the right person who has a real skill will get this chance.

If you wanna be a IT engineer, you must study hard and have real skill. Join on Cuntrywide Training is the best choice if you want to learn a lot of IT topic easily. Because it will train you with onsite training. Onsite training will provides their students with the opportunity to learn from a live instructor that will be open to answer any questions from the students. Onsite training programs are great for companies that want to train their employees at one time. They will send a certified instructor to your training location.

The Onsite Training will provide you a lot of programs. They are Onsite Microsoft Office Training, it will help you to mastering this Microsoft software, like word, excel, access, and power point. That will be usful for office employee. The second is Onsite IT Certification Training that contain a quality IT Training. It’s suitable for IT Engineer. The third is Onsite IT Training for becoming the IT Professional. The last program is Onsite Soft Skills Training. That all you can try. But, you also can check it alone on Because the chance you’ll get will be only one.


Easy Spain Driving with Online Car Hire

Posted by Android On Selasa, 02 Juni 2009 0 komentar
When we first arrived in Spain we were shocked by the general driving standards, they are pretty good same as other Northern European countries where the traffic rules is also neat. But, we will also think that the traffic was so busy and so noisy. But, it won’t disturb you. I will explain a few about that.

Despite common jokes about the locals driving abilities !! , it really is quite safe to drive on Spanish roads as long as you follow some simple rules. Gone are the days when Spaniards drove mostly old bangers around who's road worthy attributes left a lot to the imagination, as this country has now moved well into the modern era and so have the laws governing the use of motor vehicles which should be respected and adhered to at all times not least as they are now being rigorously enforced by the Spanish authorities. Recent legislation has now made some driving offences criminal ones. Although this guide is aimed in assisting the tourist or visitor to Spain it does apply equally to the expat resident vehicle owner. The first destination is Costa del Sol.

The easiest way to reach Costa del Sol is by car, this will allows you to visit the different towns and villages as want, It will be easier than to the airport. before car hire costa del sol Make sure you know the hire cost covers the insurance you are paying for. i.e. fully comprehensive with or without an excess or a waiver which will exclude any general excess payments should you be responsible for the accident. Ask if the insurance covers things like mirrors, etc.

After that, you can visit there or to the other town. I recommend for your car hire spain. But, this will also provide for the other country too. Like UK, USA, Portugal and France. Just click there and enjoy your driving.