Kadangkala kita merasa bosan menunggu startup program pada XP. Padahal banyak program - program yang sudah di uninstall. Itu karena PC kita masih mengeksekusi bebrapa aplikasi dalam sistem. Tetapi ada beberapa yang tidak begitu berguna. Sehingga bisa kita matikan. Gini caranya..
Start --> Run --> services.msc
Langsung aja, stop & disable service berikut:
Automatic Updates
System Restore
Security Center
Help & Support
Fast User Switching Compatibility
Windows Time
Wireless Zero Configuration
SSDP Discovery Service
Remote Registry
Indexing Service
Error Reporting Service
Itu satu,
trus My Computer click kanan, properties, ke tab advanced, trus click settings yg di bagian performance, pilih "Adjust for best performance".
Click apply trus ok.
Itu aja kok.
Tambahin sendiri kalo ada yang lain.
kartolo selalu siap menerima kok. hehehehe...
Start --> Run --> services.msc
Langsung aja, stop & disable service berikut:
Automatic Updates
System Restore
Security Center
Help & Support
Fast User Switching Compatibility
Windows Time
Wireless Zero Configuration
SSDP Discovery Service
Remote Registry
Indexing Service
Error Reporting Service
Itu satu,
trus My Computer click kanan, properties, ke tab advanced, trus click settings yg di bagian performance, pilih "Adjust for best performance".
Click apply trus ok.
Itu aja kok.
Tambahin sendiri kalo ada yang lain.
kartolo selalu siap menerima kok. hehehehe...
Saat kita mulai menyalakan komputer di warnet yang pertama muncul saat windows dimulai adalah login screen client billing yang menutupi seluruh area windows. Fungsi Alt+Tab dan Ctrl+Alt+Del biasanya ikut-ikutan di-disable untuk memaksa kita login melalui program billing itu.
Sebenarnya saat kita menghadapi login screen itu komputer sudah siap dijalankan. Hanya terhalang oleh screen login yang menyebalkan itu. Naah... udah tau apa yang bakal saya jelasin ? Kalo udah tau, brenti aja bacanya. Daripada mati kebosanan
Yess.. betul sekali. Yang perlu kita lakukan hanyalah menyembunyikan jendela login itu tanpa perlu login. Ada banyak progie buat nyembunyiin window, salah satunya ZHider. Saya hanya akan menjelaskan penggunaan ZHider. Bagi yang menggunakan progie laen silakan baca manualnya, tapi yang perlu diperhatikan adalah progie yang anda gunakan harus bisa show/hide window pake hotkey coz windows kita kan ditutupi sama login screen sialan itu.
Yang harus disiapkan:
1. Program ZHider. Cari sendiri pake om google. Ukurannya kecil kok, ga sampe setengah isi disket.
Aku nemunya pas smp tapi baru sekarang kepake ^^
2. Muka bego
3. Mental yang kuat
01. Masuk warnet dan pasang muka bego biar ga dicurigai operator
02. Pastikan selain box/bilik yang kita tempati masih ada box lain yang kosong. Biar ga dicurigai juga sih.
03. Usahakan cari tempat yang jauh dari op, supaya ga ketahuan box kamu kosong apa nggak.
04. Nyalakan kompi dihadapan anda bila masih dalam keadaan mati.
05. Saat masuk login screen, login aja seperti biasa.
06. Jalankan ZHider yang sudah disiapkan di disket/flashdisk. Kalo belom ada, cari aja pake google.
07. Setelah ZHider dijalankan langsung aja logout.
08. Naah, di login screen ini kita mulai aksi mendebarkan kita. Tekan Ctrl+Alt+Z.. Jreeeng, login screen telah menghilang !!!
09. Browsinglah sepuasnya, tapi tetap pastikan ada box lain yang kosong. Kan aneh kalau ada yang masuk warnet, dia lihat udah penuh. Padahal di billing server kelihatan masih ada yang belum login.
10. Kalo sudah puass tekan Ctrl+Alt+x untuk memunculkan kembali login screen yang menghilang entah kemana
11. Login seperti biasa dan browsing beberapa menit sampai penunjuk tarif sampai ke angka yang kita kehendaki. Ini supaya ga dicurigai.
12. Logout. SIapkan muka bego, lalu bayar tarif.
Cara ini lebih mudah dilalukan bila si operator ga terlalu kenal sama kamu. Apalagi bila si op sering keluyuran.
Ini beberapa hotkey ZHider yang bisa digunakan, untuk hotkey lainnya silakan baca file readme yang disertakan bersama zhider
CTRL+ALT+Z Menyembunyikan jendela aktif
CTRL+ALT+X Menampilkan kembali semua jendela yang disembunyikan
CTRL+ALT+L Menampilkan dialog zhider
CTRL+ALT+M Menampilkan kembali semua jendela yang disembunyikan, dan juga menutup zhider.
Kalo cara di atas ga bisa dilakuin, hentikanlah usahamu. Sesungguhnya perbuatan jahatmu tidak diridhai Tuhan
Kalo ketahuan langsung pertebal "muka bego"-mu. Misalnya bilang "Eh, kok jadi gini ya? Kemaren ga gini kok." Ato kata-kata lain, tergantung kreatifitas anda.
Sebenarnya saat kita menghadapi login screen itu komputer sudah siap dijalankan. Hanya terhalang oleh screen login yang menyebalkan itu. Naah... udah tau apa yang bakal saya jelasin ? Kalo udah tau, brenti aja bacanya. Daripada mati kebosanan
Yess.. betul sekali. Yang perlu kita lakukan hanyalah menyembunyikan jendela login itu tanpa perlu login. Ada banyak progie buat nyembunyiin window, salah satunya ZHider. Saya hanya akan menjelaskan penggunaan ZHider. Bagi yang menggunakan progie laen silakan baca manualnya, tapi yang perlu diperhatikan adalah progie yang anda gunakan harus bisa show/hide window pake hotkey coz windows kita kan ditutupi sama login screen sialan itu.
Yang harus disiapkan:
1. Program ZHider. Cari sendiri pake om google. Ukurannya kecil kok, ga sampe setengah isi disket.
Aku nemunya pas smp tapi baru sekarang kepake ^^
2. Muka bego
3. Mental yang kuat
01. Masuk warnet dan pasang muka bego biar ga dicurigai operator
02. Pastikan selain box/bilik yang kita tempati masih ada box lain yang kosong. Biar ga dicurigai juga sih.
03. Usahakan cari tempat yang jauh dari op, supaya ga ketahuan box kamu kosong apa nggak.
04. Nyalakan kompi dihadapan anda bila masih dalam keadaan mati.
05. Saat masuk login screen, login aja seperti biasa.
06. Jalankan ZHider yang sudah disiapkan di disket/flashdisk. Kalo belom ada, cari aja pake google.
07. Setelah ZHider dijalankan langsung aja logout.
08. Naah, di login screen ini kita mulai aksi mendebarkan kita. Tekan Ctrl+Alt+Z.. Jreeeng, login screen telah menghilang !!!
09. Browsinglah sepuasnya, tapi tetap pastikan ada box lain yang kosong. Kan aneh kalau ada yang masuk warnet, dia lihat udah penuh. Padahal di billing server kelihatan masih ada yang belum login.
10. Kalo sudah puass tekan Ctrl+Alt+x untuk memunculkan kembali login screen yang menghilang entah kemana
11. Login seperti biasa dan browsing beberapa menit sampai penunjuk tarif sampai ke angka yang kita kehendaki. Ini supaya ga dicurigai.
12. Logout. SIapkan muka bego, lalu bayar tarif.
Cara ini lebih mudah dilalukan bila si operator ga terlalu kenal sama kamu. Apalagi bila si op sering keluyuran.
Ini beberapa hotkey ZHider yang bisa digunakan, untuk hotkey lainnya silakan baca file readme yang disertakan bersama zhider
CTRL+ALT+Z Menyembunyikan jendela aktif
CTRL+ALT+X Menampilkan kembali semua jendela yang disembunyikan
CTRL+ALT+L Menampilkan dialog zhider
CTRL+ALT+M Menampilkan kembali semua jendela yang disembunyikan, dan juga menutup zhider.
Kalo cara di atas ga bisa dilakuin, hentikanlah usahamu. Sesungguhnya perbuatan jahatmu tidak diridhai Tuhan
Kalo ketahuan langsung pertebal "muka bego"-mu. Misalnya bilang "Eh, kok jadi gini ya? Kemaren ga gini kok." Ato kata-kata lain, tergantung kreatifitas anda.

1. Saat sudah muncul layar untuk memilih account dan tempat passwordnya, tekan Ctrl-Alt-Del dua kali. Lalu akan muncul layar berisi kotak name dan password
2. Hapus tulisan di kotak name dan ketik administrator
3. Passwordnya tidak perlu diisi
4. Lalu tekan OK. Maka langsung masuk windows sebagai administrator.
Setelah masuk, kita dapat mengubah password administratornya. Caranya adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Masuk user account baik dengan masuk control panel lalu masuk user account ataupun dengan mengklik gambar account di kiri atas menu start.
2. Setelah masuk, dapat kita lihat user account mana yang menjadi computer administrator. Misalnya yang menjadi computer account adalah Faisal. Lalu untuk mengubah passwordnya lihat langkah berikutnya;
3. Klik START lalu ke RUN dan ketika cmd. Maka akan masuk ke DOS
4. Ketik net user dan enter. Maka akan terlihat nama-nama user account windows XP. Perhatikan satu-persatu nama-nama user account yang ada. Biasanya nama user account saat kita lihat di menu user account sama dengan yang kita lihat melalui net user, tapi kadang-kadang berbeda. Oleh sebab itu, lihat satu-persatu samakan dengan yang saat kita lihat di menu user account. Sebagai contoh :
Di menu user account, account yang ada adalah :
Tetapi account yang terlihat di net user :
Maka kesimpulannya, computer administrator Faisal nama lainnya adalah Acer. Perhatian bahwa SUPPORT, IUSR, IWAM, VVSR dll bukan nama account.
5. Setelah tahu bahwa administrator account adalah Acer maka langkah berikutnya adalah ketik net user spasi nama administrator account spasi bintang. Contohnya :
net user Acer *
6. Lalu akan muncul tulisan “type a password for the user:”.
Bila ingin password computer administrator terhapus :
Tekan enter saja tak usah diisi, lalu akan muncul tulisan lagi “retype the password to confirm:”, tekan enter juga tak usah diisi. MAKA Anda telah menghapus password computer administrator.
Bila ingin mengubah passoword computer administrator:
Isi password yang Anda inginkan pada “type a password for the user:” dan password yang sama pada “retype the password to confirm:”. Perhatikan bahwa kata password yang kita ketik tidak akan terlihat seolah-olah kita tidak mengetikkan sesuatu, jadi Anda tak perlu bingung tinggal ketik saja, dijamin berhasil.
7. Ok selamat mencoba.
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You all know that Wpdesigner.com is a beautiful sites with very useful contents and good performance. But, that all will be useless if they choose a bad host for their sites. Because, visitor will enjoy visiting our site, if the content is balanced with the rapid access. So, don’t be hesitate while choosing the best webhosting for your site, although it’s rather expensive. Don’t worry if you confuse in establish the best one. Wpdesigner has give you the top 10 webhosts company that have trusted by a lot of great sites in the world. Like bluehost, host gator, go daddy, and etc. All of them have a high reputation and credibility in global rivalry. It’s because they all give best price, best service, best performance to the webmaster.
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“dia beruntung mempunyai orangtua yang suka memberikan buku ke padanya, baik buku tentang ensiklopedi, sampai buku tentang hukum milik ayahnya. dia juga mempunyai teman yang bisa menjadi teman barter buku nya ketika semua bukunya telah habis terbaca”
Bill Gates selalu muncul bagaikan magnet sehingga ada banyak alasan untuk membicarakan dan mempersoalkan Bill Gates. Ketika masih kanak-kanak, ia telah dikenal sebagai bocah ajaib karena kejeniusannya.
Langkah-langkah bisnisnya dianggap fenomenal, dan selalu dianggap ancaman bagi pihak pesaing. Walaupun setiap langkahnya menuai berbagai reaksi kontra, hal tersebut tetap tidak bisa membendung kesuksesannya.
Gates terus menerus menggunakan monopolinya untuk menguasai hampir seluruh bisnis yang bisa dikaitkan dengan komputer. Saat ini boleh dibilang hampir seluruh bisnis komputer bergandengan dengan bisnis yang dirintis oleh Gates.
Walhasil… dia pun hidup bergelimangan harta, bahkan ia termasuk orang terkaya di dunia. Jadi, gimana…., tertarik untuk memperoleh kesuksesan dan kekayaan seperti layaknya seorang Bill Gates, si orang terkaya di dunia…? Yuk… kita lihat trik-triknya…
1. Kawan adalah aset berharga
Dengan menempatkan kawan sebagai aset berharga, maka kita akan menghargai komitmen dan kerjasama dengan siapapun.
2. Kepercayaan adalah modal jangka panjang
Butuh waktu bertahun-tahun untuk membangun sebuah kepercayaan dan hanya sekian detik saja untuk menghancurkannya. Maka berusahalah membina kepercayaan baik kepada siapapun.
3. Menjual dengan harga lebih tinggi dari pembelian, bukan harga tertinggi
Namun berbisnis dan berusaha adalah bagaimana dapat memberikan kontribusi dan manfaat bagi orang lain sebesar-besarnya, tanpa mengabaikan kelayakan usaha. Nilai kebahagiaan dan keberhasilan usahanya bukan pada berapa besarnya keuntungan materi, tetapi berapa banyak manfaat yang diberikan.
4. Mendengarkan kata hati
Gunakan ketajaman mata hati untuk dapat mengambil keputusan berdasarkan kata hati bukan berdasarkan emosi atau nafsu duniawi.
5. Bekerja dengan hati
Mereka yang bekerja dengan hati akan selalu bersikap baik kepada siapapun.
6. Kekayaan bukan dinilai dari uang yang dimiliki
Menjadi kaya bukan sekedar berhubungan dengan memiliki banyak uang. Namun kekayaan yang utama adalah seberapa besar uang yang kita dapatkan dapat digunakan untuk menolong orang lain, untuk memberikan manfaat bagi orang lain.
7. Berorientasi pada manfaat sebesar-besarnya
Berbisnis bukan sekedar berorientasi pada profit atau keuntungan materi sebesar-besarnya, tetapi memperoleh keuntungan untuk memberikan manfaat bagi orang lain sebanyak-banyaknya.
8. Fokus pada apa yang diperoleh bukan yang hilang
Fokuslah memikirkan pada apa yang Anda peroleh saat ini. Biarkan kesempatan yang hilang berlalu dari Anda, karena akan ada kesempatan baru kalau kita dapat mensyukuri apa yang dimiliki saat ini.
9. Gagal hanyalah sebuah proses
Gagal bukanlah akhir dari segalanya, tetapi bagian dari proses untuk menghasilkan rencana-rencana baru.
10. Akui Kesalahan Dengan rendah Hati
Segera lakukan evaluasi untuk memperbaiki kesalahan yang terjadi.
mau sukses seperti bill gates,mari kita coba terapkan pola berfikirnya,syapa tau indonesia bisa menciptakan "bill gates" baru di dunia.
This is what Joe Hewitt was found announcing in Twitter. Facebook has just submitted a 3.0 version of their iPhone application to App store. Coming week, Hewitt would be posting the screenshots and trivia of the iPhone app next week. With fifteen new features in the Facebook 3.0, it could just be irresistible for Facebook aficionados. What's more, Hewitt would be starting with 3.1 version from tomorrow.
Details of 3.0 were provided for the first time in July. Now we bring you the entire list of features.
# Events (including the ability to RSVP)
# Notes
# The new News Feed
# Pages
# Create new photo albums
# Upload photos to any album
# Zoom into photos
# Easier photo tagging
# Profile Pictures albums
# Add your favorite profiles and pages to the home screen
# Better Notifications
# Quickly call or text people right from the Friends page
# Messages typing interrupted due to phone call would be restored
In addition the app would feature a new customizable home screen for easy access to all your stuff, search, and notifications. Hewiit added a last minute surprise that would offer video support for the iPhone 3GS. Above all, the app will be able to manage events.
Most likely, Apple would approve the app shortly. Well, there's not much in the Facebook app that could annoy Apple or even AT&T.
More so Apple's seems to be avoiding high profile app problems.
Details of 3.0 were provided for the first time in July. Now we bring you the entire list of features.
# Events (including the ability to RSVP)
# Notes
# The new News Feed
# Pages
# Create new photo albums
# Upload photos to any album
# Zoom into photos
# Easier photo tagging
# Profile Pictures albums
# Add your favorite profiles and pages to the home screen
# Better Notifications
# Quickly call or text people right from the Friends page
# Messages typing interrupted due to phone call would be restored
In addition the app would feature a new customizable home screen for easy access to all your stuff, search, and notifications. Hewiit added a last minute surprise that would offer video support for the iPhone 3GS. Above all, the app will be able to manage events.
Most likely, Apple would approve the app shortly. Well, there's not much in the Facebook app that could annoy Apple or even AT&T.
More so Apple's seems to be avoiding high profile app problems.
PC antispyware 2010 is a rogue of a software program. Upon getting many complaints about it from people and their requests to troubleshoot the removal technique, we finally got our hands on this program and oh boy, it was some experience. It is the latest counterfeit anti-spyware software that creates hassles for computer users around the globe. Just like most fake antispywares, it issues misleading and exaggerated messages and then installs trojans by itself and insists that you buy their product. The worst thing is, once installed, you can not remove it from your PC easily. So here is a quick workaround.
1. First go to safe mode and uninstall the software. DO NOT do this from normal mode as this may crash your system.
2. Then from safe mode only, Kill processes: PC_Antispyware2010.exe, Uninstall.exe, jugifyryve.exe
3. Go to registry now and delete these keys carefully,
* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PC_Antispyware2010
* HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\don't load "scui.cpl"
* HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\don't load "wscui.cpl"
* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "PC Antispyware 2010″
4. Delete these dll files
* AVEngn.dll
* htmlayout.dll
* pthreadVC2.dll
* msvcm80.dll
* msvcp80.dll
* msvcr80.dll
5. Delete these files
* aqamodero.dat
* hubeweqa.lib
* jatikysup._dl
* ofyxodaqa.dat
* sahaso.bat zotys.bin
* AVEngn.dll
* htmlayout.dll
* PC_Antispyware2010.cfg
* PC_Antispyware2010.exe
* pthreadVC2.dll
* Uninstall.exe
* wscui.cpl
* daily.cvd
* Microsoft.VC80.CRT
* Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest
* msvcm80.dll
* msvcp80.dll
* msvcr80.dll
* akudyta.lib
* hoxigawax.inf
* kyci.dl
* nuxojih.scr
* qynomikov.bin
* seni.reg
* yfoneby.db
* _scui.cpl
* cocefezyj.dl
* qebykiti.dl
* pybisezyr.db
* ulycozoho._dl
* ekenubes.com
* icosagula.reg
* jugifyryve.exe
* PC_Antispyware2010.lnk
* ajeby.reg
* yqeqaranym.vbs
* zebav.pif _scui.cpl.txt
* xoqupuwytu._dl
* Uninstall.lnk
6. Delete these directories
* c:\Program Files\PC_Antispyware2010
* c:\Program Files\PC_Antispyware2010\data
* %UserProfile%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
* %UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\PC_Antispyware2010
7. Now go to normal mode,
Good luck! give us your feedback.
[partial information source: 2-spyware.com]
1. First go to safe mode and uninstall the software. DO NOT do this from normal mode as this may crash your system.
2. Then from safe mode only, Kill processes: PC_Antispyware2010.exe, Uninstall.exe, jugifyryve.exe
3. Go to registry now and delete these keys carefully,
* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PC_Antispyware2010
* HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\don't load "scui.cpl"
* HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\don't load "wscui.cpl"
* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "PC Antispyware 2010″
4. Delete these dll files
* AVEngn.dll
* htmlayout.dll
* pthreadVC2.dll
* msvcm80.dll
* msvcp80.dll
* msvcr80.dll
5. Delete these files
* aqamodero.dat
* hubeweqa.lib
* jatikysup._dl
* ofyxodaqa.dat
* sahaso.bat zotys.bin
* AVEngn.dll
* htmlayout.dll
* PC_Antispyware2010.cfg
* PC_Antispyware2010.exe
* pthreadVC2.dll
* Uninstall.exe
* wscui.cpl
* daily.cvd
* Microsoft.VC80.CRT
* Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest
* msvcm80.dll
* msvcp80.dll
* msvcr80.dll
* akudyta.lib
* hoxigawax.inf
* kyci.dl
* nuxojih.scr
* qynomikov.bin
* seni.reg
* yfoneby.db
* _scui.cpl
* cocefezyj.dl
* qebykiti.dl
* pybisezyr.db
* ulycozoho._dl
* ekenubes.com
* icosagula.reg
* jugifyryve.exe
* PC_Antispyware2010.lnk
* ajeby.reg
* yqeqaranym.vbs
* zebav.pif _scui.cpl.txt
* xoqupuwytu._dl
* Uninstall.lnk
6. Delete these directories
* c:\Program Files\PC_Antispyware2010
* c:\Program Files\PC_Antispyware2010\data
* %UserProfile%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
* %UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\PC_Antispyware2010
7. Now go to normal mode,
Good luck! give us your feedback.
[partial information source: 2-spyware.com]
I had indicated that don't make yourself look like a spammer. In real world, with shooting popularity Twitter has also invited the spammers to have a party. Well, if you are fed-up with the spams and hankering for a solution, here's something for you. Hashrocket's TweetBlocker offers a simple tool to easily identify spammers in the group of users they are following. This tool has been deigned to identify the spammers automatically. TweetBlocker automatically identifies the spammers in your follow list and allows you unfollow and block the spammers right from the TweetBlocker dashboard.
Now in case you went for auto-follow no surprises you might be following quite a few spammers at this point. TweetBlocker grade users by following how active the users are, and their ratio of of friends and followers. It also scrutinizes the age of the account. For more, it analyzes the Twitter stream with Bayesian spam filtering algorithms.
The TweetBlocker dashboard enables you to unfollow and block each of the users individually or as a group. Additionally, you might hover your mouse over the user's avatar and view their last couple of tweets. This would help you to ensure whether the user your are blocking is a spammer or not.
Twitter Blocker works well with Twitter users, which it assigns a C or D. However, there might be a few false positives for the those it grades as F.
Integration, APIs and Bookmarklets
While the websites are obviously the core of focus for TweetBlocker. It comes with an API for developers and bookmarklet that allows users to report spammers directly to Tweetblocker.
Hashrocket has announced that TweetBlocker will integrate with Tweetie, the popular Twitter app, in the next version.
Now in case you went for auto-follow no surprises you might be following quite a few spammers at this point. TweetBlocker grade users by following how active the users are, and their ratio of of friends and followers. It also scrutinizes the age of the account. For more, it analyzes the Twitter stream with Bayesian spam filtering algorithms.
The TweetBlocker dashboard enables you to unfollow and block each of the users individually or as a group. Additionally, you might hover your mouse over the user's avatar and view their last couple of tweets. This would help you to ensure whether the user your are blocking is a spammer or not.
Twitter Blocker works well with Twitter users, which it assigns a C or D. However, there might be a few false positives for the those it grades as F.
Integration, APIs and Bookmarklets
While the websites are obviously the core of focus for TweetBlocker. It comes with an API for developers and bookmarklet that allows users to report spammers directly to Tweetblocker.
Hashrocket has announced that TweetBlocker will integrate with Tweetie, the popular Twitter app, in the next version.
We all know, that most of business activity was go Online with using internet and website as the second customers income. A lot of big company has provide e-commerce method in promoting and selling their product. Like Amazon, Ebay, and etc. We can do same as that sites with your own site. But, to get max profit with it, you must give your site a big and suitable host. The good host mean the many profit too. In order to get a good hosting provider, we must be careful. Because it'll give a serious effect on your site. But, don't worry. I know a leader hosting service and VPS(Virtual Private Servers) for growing your site. That is Abdicar.com.
The first I will explain is virtual private servers. VPS(Virtual Private Servers) at abdicar.com will give you control, performance, reliability and flexibility at affordable prices and service. With the motto “Take control. Do more...Get the power of a server!”. You can easily and freely take over your own site. Get more access with Cutting-Edge virtualization and automation software. You must know this, abdicar is the most powerful and stable performance in serving their client. With high class device inside of them.
The first, You can get a robust VPS starting at $29.95 per month. The specification is 128MB memory, 10GB HDD, 8 Ips, and unmetered bandwidth. The second VPS, with 256 MB RAM, 20GB HDD, 8IPs, and unmetered bandwidth started at $39.95 per month. The third VPS, 512MB RAM, 30GB HDD, and 8 Ips with unmetered bandwidth with $59.95. The fourth VPS with the high perormance, 1024MB RAM, 60GB HDD, with 8IPs and unmeterd bandwidth started from $89.95. And the other higher performance vps.
Abdicar.com also provide linux virtual dedicated servers with same price and same specification. Abdicar also set great price for $3.00, but feel free to put up $5.00 if your blogs have a great Pagerank and 100.000 up alexa rank. Don't forget, all of this service is including unmetered traffic. Just try and feel the different.

The first I will explain is virtual private servers. VPS(Virtual Private Servers) at abdicar.com will give you control, performance, reliability and flexibility at affordable prices and service. With the motto “Take control. Do more...Get the power of a server!”. You can easily and freely take over your own site. Get more access with Cutting-Edge virtualization and automation software. You must know this, abdicar is the most powerful and stable performance in serving their client. With high class device inside of them.
The first, You can get a robust VPS starting at $29.95 per month. The specification is 128MB memory, 10GB HDD, 8 Ips, and unmetered bandwidth. The second VPS, with 256 MB RAM, 20GB HDD, 8IPs, and unmetered bandwidth started at $39.95 per month. The third VPS, 512MB RAM, 30GB HDD, and 8 Ips with unmetered bandwidth with $59.95. The fourth VPS with the high perormance, 1024MB RAM, 60GB HDD, with 8IPs and unmeterd bandwidth started from $89.95. And the other higher performance vps.
Abdicar.com also provide linux virtual dedicated servers with same price and same specification. Abdicar also set great price for $3.00, but feel free to put up $5.00 if your blogs have a great Pagerank and 100.000 up alexa rank. Don't forget, all of this service is including unmetered traffic. Just try and feel the different.
Punya usaha berdagang atau jual barang tapi sulit laku? Kini ada cara agar barang dagangan anda laku keras. Yaitu dengan media internet atau online. Tapi kebanyakan orang memang meremehkan yang namanya internet. Karena menurut mereka orang awam, internet adalah tidak lain hanya sebagai media mencari ilmu atau chatting dan facebook. Mereka masih belum menganggap internet sebagai sebuah peluang usaha yang bebas/global bagi siapapun. Karena mereka berpikir jual beli/ investasi lewat internet banyak mengandung unsur penipuan. Tetapi, bagi kita yang sudah paham betul apa itu internet, tentunya akan mudah meng implementasikan sebagai dunia kedua selain dunia nyata.
Salah satu cara untuk mendapat kemudahan dalam promosi barang lewat internet adalah dengan membuat situs dan hosting. Banyak orang meremehkan yang namanya “website”. Padahal apabila kita punya pikiran untuk membuatnya, kita pasti mampu. Walaupun kita belum punya dasar yang kental akan pemrograman web. Karena kini sudah ada blog. Yang kemampuannya tidak kalahdengan website asli. Untuk orang awam, buat blog adalah suatu hal yang sulit dan membuang – buang waktu. Tetapi, banyak juga yang menganggap, buat blog adalah suatu hal yang penting. Karena dengan membuat blog, kita bisa menuangkan ide – ide dan ilmu yang kita terima kepada orang lain. Selain itu ada juga orang yang membuat blog sebagai sarana promosi dan e-commerce karena easy to use.
Banyak hal yang bisa kita lakukan hanya dengan buat blog. Kita tidak perlu mengeluarkan banyak uang untuk itu. Untuk menjual barang secara online, kita hanya perlu sedikit modal. Kamera untuk memotret barang anda, komputer, dan internet paling tidak 3 jam sehari. Anda hanya perlu memotret barang anda dan mempostingnya di blog anda. Setelah postingan anda terindeks, maka jangan kaget apabila ratusan, bahkan ribuan pengunjung akan menghampiri dan memesan barang yang anda tawarkan. Oleh karena itu, ayo kita galakkan :Go Blog”. Kita kenalkan pada orang lain bahwa ngeblog itu mudah.

Salah satu cara untuk mendapat kemudahan dalam promosi barang lewat internet adalah dengan membuat situs dan hosting. Banyak orang meremehkan yang namanya “website”. Padahal apabila kita punya pikiran untuk membuatnya, kita pasti mampu. Walaupun kita belum punya dasar yang kental akan pemrograman web. Karena kini sudah ada blog. Yang kemampuannya tidak kalahdengan website asli. Untuk orang awam, buat blog adalah suatu hal yang sulit dan membuang – buang waktu. Tetapi, banyak juga yang menganggap, buat blog adalah suatu hal yang penting. Karena dengan membuat blog, kita bisa menuangkan ide – ide dan ilmu yang kita terima kepada orang lain. Selain itu ada juga orang yang membuat blog sebagai sarana promosi dan e-commerce karena easy to use.
Banyak hal yang bisa kita lakukan hanya dengan buat blog. Kita tidak perlu mengeluarkan banyak uang untuk itu. Untuk menjual barang secara online, kita hanya perlu sedikit modal. Kamera untuk memotret barang anda, komputer, dan internet paling tidak 3 jam sehari. Anda hanya perlu memotret barang anda dan mempostingnya di blog anda. Setelah postingan anda terindeks, maka jangan kaget apabila ratusan, bahkan ribuan pengunjung akan menghampiri dan memesan barang yang anda tawarkan. Oleh karena itu, ayo kita galakkan :Go Blog”. Kita kenalkan pada orang lain bahwa ngeblog itu mudah.
Okay. You have read my previous post about mass article. And now, I will explain the next stage of Mass Article. That is Mass Article Control Review, Mass Article Submitter, and how to Get free Traffic form Search Engines. And a lot of ways to increase your income from internet.
Okay, I am sure all of people over the world want to get a good result with the articles that they have made. But, we all forget about the submitting process that usually very difficult to get a high rank. It's all because our writen article was unsuitable with the popular keyword. It means that Search Engine will sort from the article that have been made by a Search Engine friendly sites first. It feel so saddy. But, let forget it. Because Adeel Chowdhry has a great solution for that problem.
The first is the “ Mass Article Control”. Mass Article Control is a masterpiece software that has developed by Adeel Chowdhry. This is a very useful software that came together with Mass Article Submitter. So, with having this two software, you can create and submit your article on Search Engine much easier. And the most part is can increase your income by making money by blog.
Why is this softwares very recommended? It's all because the capability in making your article much easy and very friendly with Search Engine. The first is User friendly or easy using, can create your own niche categories, can add more synonyms in your article. But, all of great software must be have a min, that is the limited directories. But, i think it's enough for help you in writing articles. By buying this software, you will get a lot of profit. Such as Get free Traffic form Search Engines, Get high ranking, and boost your sites visitors. Just try this amazing article software, and make up your rewrite article.

Okay, I am sure all of people over the world want to get a good result with the articles that they have made. But, we all forget about the submitting process that usually very difficult to get a high rank. It's all because our writen article was unsuitable with the popular keyword. It means that Search Engine will sort from the article that have been made by a Search Engine friendly sites first. It feel so saddy. But, let forget it. Because Adeel Chowdhry has a great solution for that problem.
The first is the “ Mass Article Control”. Mass Article Control is a masterpiece software that has developed by Adeel Chowdhry. This is a very useful software that came together with Mass Article Submitter. So, with having this two software, you can create and submit your article on Search Engine much easier. And the most part is can increase your income by making money by blog.
Why is this softwares very recommended? It's all because the capability in making your article much easy and very friendly with Search Engine. The first is User friendly or easy using, can create your own niche categories, can add more synonyms in your article. But, all of great software must be have a min, that is the limited directories. But, i think it's enough for help you in writing articles. By buying this software, you will get a lot of profit. Such as Get free Traffic form Search Engines, Get high ranking, and boost your sites visitors. Just try this amazing article software, and make up your rewrite article.
Kali ini cara untuk melacak seseorang melalui IP mereka. Program yg digunakan cuma browser sama Google earth (banyak diinternet, download aja), pertama-tama kita harus tau IP orang yg mau dilacak, gimana caranya? yee si brur, klo gak tau IP nya ya gimana mau dilacak, hehehe… Bisa macem2 caranya, tapi kali ini gak itu yg dibahas, mungkin nanti lain kali, cara tau IP seseorang gak terlalu susah.
Langsung mulai ajah, kali ini kita pake IP qusuth yaitu “″. Setelah tau ip qusuth, langsung buka pake browser ke http://www.geobytes.com/IpLocator.htm?GetLocation disitu ada kolom “IP Address to locate:” nah disitu masukkin IP yg mau dilacak, kali ini misalnya Setelah di submit. *Wiks* keluar semua data-datanya, huhuhu, sampe nama kotanya juga keluar, hehehe. Masih kurang puas dengan ini ? oke, sekarang kamu harus catet Latitude sama Longitude nya , disini tertulis Latitude: 52.5170 dan Longitude:13.4000 catet yah, sekarang kamu buka program google earth, setelah login dan terbuka program google earth yang “luar biasa” ini, kamu langsung cari di pojok kiri atas ada box buat search, pastikan tab Fly to terpilih, karena kita akan “Fly” ke tempat empunya IP, nah disitu kamu masukkin Latitude sama Longitudenya, caranya? lah tadi kan udah dicatet, formatnya gini : Latitude, Longitude.
jadi yang harus dimasukkin “52.5170, 13.4000″. , setelah itu tekan enter atau klik di tombol search. *bump* google langsung menuju ke tempat tersebut, setelah beberapa saat streaming untuk melihat peta nya, mulai muncul jalan2nya, oh iya jangan lupa dibagian layer sebelah kiri bawah, kamu enable layer yg ingin kamu lihat (misal: street) jadi kamu bisa lihat nama2 jalan dan sebagainya, untuk daerah Indonesia belum terlalu detail, tapi cukup jelas dan cukup “jenius”. Kalo untuk didaerah Amerika, Kanada dan negara-negara besar lainnya petanya sudah sangat mendetail, sampe gedung, nama toko, letak mesin ATM, dan masih banyak lagi, kita tunggu aja proggy om google earth yg berikutnya, pastinya akan lebih canggih dan petanya lebih detail, oh iya kembali ke masalah IP, setelah di search, kira-kira yang keluar seperti ini, sampe detail ke nama jalan, oh iya btw, ini gak akurat 100% tapi setidaknya kita bisa tau didaerah sekitar mana si pemilik IP ini mengakses internet, mudah2an sih untuk detail peta diIndonesia bisa diupdate dengan segera oleh pihak google
Langsung mulai ajah, kali ini kita pake IP qusuth yaitu “″. Setelah tau ip qusuth, langsung buka pake browser ke http://www.geobytes.com/IpLocator.htm?GetLocation disitu ada kolom “IP Address to locate:” nah disitu masukkin IP yg mau dilacak, kali ini misalnya Setelah di submit. *Wiks* keluar semua data-datanya, huhuhu, sampe nama kotanya juga keluar, hehehe. Masih kurang puas dengan ini ? oke, sekarang kamu harus catet Latitude sama Longitude nya , disini tertulis Latitude: 52.5170 dan Longitude:13.4000 catet yah, sekarang kamu buka program google earth, setelah login dan terbuka program google earth yang “luar biasa” ini, kamu langsung cari di pojok kiri atas ada box buat search, pastikan tab Fly to terpilih, karena kita akan “Fly” ke tempat empunya IP, nah disitu kamu masukkin Latitude sama Longitudenya, caranya? lah tadi kan udah dicatet, formatnya gini : Latitude, Longitude.
jadi yang harus dimasukkin “52.5170, 13.4000″. , setelah itu tekan enter atau klik di tombol search. *bump* google langsung menuju ke tempat tersebut, setelah beberapa saat streaming untuk melihat peta nya, mulai muncul jalan2nya, oh iya jangan lupa dibagian layer sebelah kiri bawah, kamu enable layer yg ingin kamu lihat (misal: street) jadi kamu bisa lihat nama2 jalan dan sebagainya, untuk daerah Indonesia belum terlalu detail, tapi cukup jelas dan cukup “jenius”. Kalo untuk didaerah Amerika, Kanada dan negara-negara besar lainnya petanya sudah sangat mendetail, sampe gedung, nama toko, letak mesin ATM, dan masih banyak lagi, kita tunggu aja proggy om google earth yg berikutnya, pastinya akan lebih canggih dan petanya lebih detail, oh iya kembali ke masalah IP, setelah di search, kira-kira yang keluar seperti ini, sampe detail ke nama jalan, oh iya btw, ini gak akurat 100% tapi setidaknya kita bisa tau didaerah sekitar mana si pemilik IP ini mengakses internet, mudah2an sih untuk detail peta diIndonesia bisa diupdate dengan segera oleh pihak google
Pernakah anda ingin suatu apa alamat IP suatu web yang sering anda kunjugi?Ada
satu cara agar kita bisa tau alamat IP suatu website.
1.cara melacak alamt IP suatu situs
untuk melakukan hal ini tidak diperlukan suatu software khusus cukup menggunakan
fasilitas yang telah disediakan oleh windows.Kita bisa menggunakan Dos.Caranya
masuk ke comand prompt.anda bisa klik Run-cmd-dan ketikkan ping
Nama situs yang ingin dilacak lalu tekan enter.Setelah
anda tekan enter,maka akan tertera alamat IP situs tersebut.
2.Melacak lokasi server(real address)
Setelah anda mendapatkan IP address situs tersebut.Andapun bisa mengetahui
dimana lokasi negara dan kota situs tersebut berada.Caranya buka
www.domainwhitepages.com.Lalu masukkan IP address situs tersebut atau alamat
situs tersebut.andapun akan mendapatkan informasi lengkap tentang lokasi situs tersebut.
Setelah anda membaca 2 trik diatas,kita bisa menggabungkan 2 trik tersebut untuk Melacak IP address Lawan chatting.Kitapun bisa mengetahui IP address lawan chatting kita menggunakan Yahoo Messenger.Caranya adalah:kirimkan satu file bebas apa saja.mengapa harus mengirimkan file terlebih dahulu?ini berfungsi sebagai timing waktu untuk mengetikkan perintah perintah untuk menampilkan IP adrress teman chatt anda.Disarankan diatas 500 kb.Lebih besar file yang dikirim lebih bagus,karena akan menyebabkan waktu anda lebih banyak.Kemudian masuk ke Dos melalui command prompt(Run-cmd)lalu ketikkan NETSTAT -N dan tekan enter.Maka alamat IP teman chatting anda akan muncul beserta port yang digunakan untuk mengirim file tadi.contoh: :3000+++.( adalah nomor IP dan 3000+++ adalah port yang tadi anda kirimin file.untuk mengetahui lokasi lawan chatting anda seperti berada di kampus,kantor ataupun warnet mana,anda bisa chek di www.domainwhitepages.com dengan memasukkan alamat IP yang telah anda dapatkan.
maksud dari postingan ini bukan untuk mengajarkan anda agar menjadi seorang cracker.tapi manfaat dari postingan ini agar kita tahu,ternyata segala macam komunikasi melalui internet masih dapat dilacak dengan mudah oleh orang yang mengerti trik seperti diatas.untuk penggunaan yahoo Messenger,sebaiknya anda jangan sembarangan menerima file yang dikirimkan melalui Yahoo messenger.Juga jangan sembarangan add ID yang tidak dikenal karena bisa saja itu virus yang akan menginfeksi komputer anda
satu cara agar kita bisa tau alamat IP suatu website.
1.cara melacak alamt IP suatu situs
untuk melakukan hal ini tidak diperlukan suatu software khusus cukup menggunakan
fasilitas yang telah disediakan oleh windows.Kita bisa menggunakan Dos.Caranya
masuk ke comand prompt.anda bisa klik Run-cmd-dan ketikkan ping
Nama situs yang ingin dilacak lalu tekan enter.Setelah
anda tekan enter,maka akan tertera alamat IP situs tersebut.
2.Melacak lokasi server(real address)
Setelah anda mendapatkan IP address situs tersebut.Andapun bisa mengetahui
dimana lokasi negara dan kota situs tersebut berada.Caranya buka
www.domainwhitepages.com.Lalu masukkan IP address situs tersebut atau alamat
situs tersebut.andapun akan mendapatkan informasi lengkap tentang lokasi situs tersebut.
Setelah anda membaca 2 trik diatas,kita bisa menggabungkan 2 trik tersebut untuk Melacak IP address Lawan chatting.Kitapun bisa mengetahui IP address lawan chatting kita menggunakan Yahoo Messenger.Caranya adalah:kirimkan satu file bebas apa saja.mengapa harus mengirimkan file terlebih dahulu?ini berfungsi sebagai timing waktu untuk mengetikkan perintah perintah untuk menampilkan IP adrress teman chatt anda.Disarankan diatas 500 kb.Lebih besar file yang dikirim lebih bagus,karena akan menyebabkan waktu anda lebih banyak.Kemudian masuk ke Dos melalui command prompt(Run-cmd)lalu ketikkan NETSTAT -N dan tekan enter.Maka alamat IP teman chatting anda akan muncul beserta port yang digunakan untuk mengirim file tadi.contoh: :3000+++.( adalah nomor IP dan 3000+++ adalah port yang tadi anda kirimin file.untuk mengetahui lokasi lawan chatting anda seperti berada di kampus,kantor ataupun warnet mana,anda bisa chek di www.domainwhitepages.com dengan memasukkan alamat IP yang telah anda dapatkan.
maksud dari postingan ini bukan untuk mengajarkan anda agar menjadi seorang cracker.tapi manfaat dari postingan ini agar kita tahu,ternyata segala macam komunikasi melalui internet masih dapat dilacak dengan mudah oleh orang yang mengerti trik seperti diatas.untuk penggunaan yahoo Messenger,sebaiknya anda jangan sembarangan menerima file yang dikirimkan melalui Yahoo messenger.Juga jangan sembarangan add ID yang tidak dikenal karena bisa saja itu virus yang akan menginfeksi komputer anda

In a statement, PayPal said its newly launched application programming interfaces (APIs) will allow developers to embed its secure global payment system into their applications and platforms.
In opening up the PayPal platform, developers can now create new ways to send and receive payments for services beyond traditional e-commerce, the statement said.
The global leader in e-commerce, PayPal has more than 75 million active accounts in 19 currencies around the world. It enables its members to send money without sharing financial information.
PayPal also offers them the flexibility of paying from their account balances, bank accounts, credit cards or personal financing.
It has three online payment services: the PayPal global payments platform, the Payflow Gateway company, and Bill Me Later.
According to a recent McKinsey report, the global payments market has the potential to reach $30 trillion.
For over a decade, PayPal has been a secure, global payments network for e-commerce and person-to-person transactions. Globally, it integrates 27 financial networks, 15,000 local banks, 190 markets and 19 currencies.
The company said several developers have already integrated its new APIs as part of a beta programme.
"Until now, developer innovation has been stifled by the barriers payment systems impose," PayPal president Scott Thompson was quoted as saying in the statement.

In June this year, Facebook attracted a total of 340 million unique visitors globally, trailing only Google, Microsoft and Yahoo sites, the report said, citing latest results from market research firm comScore.
According to the report, Facebook grew 157 percent in the past year alone, gaining 208 million visitors.
The social networking website surged past Amazon in August last year in terms of worldwide unique visitors. In the first half of this year, it beat eBay, AOL and Wikimedia Foundation sites.
Facebook still has some way to go before it catches up to Google, Microsoft and Yahoo, each of which has between 240 million and 500 million more monthly global unique visitors.
Facebook itself officially acknowledged in July that it now has 250 million active registered users worldwide.
Feeling confuse to give a prize and gifts to your family or your friends relation? Baby and children? Don't be afraid, there are a lot of way to try. Because they will feel so glad if we choose the suitable one for them. Just feel your respect and “Posy Lane” will now choose for you. The Posy Lane, the number one source in gifts specialized was available online and can be accessed everywhere. Just access there, and they will choose you the most suitable gifts for your relations.
Posy Lane now has grow more confident in serve us. The most impressive one is the nap mat. The Posy Lane's nap mat has desingned for a young people. Paded and Lined with nylon and cotton with ribbon. The perfect material for the comfortable of our lovely kindergarten and preschool kids, beside you can carry that everywhere everytime. The second one was the laundry bag. Created with shoulder strap, this tools was a great combination with your laundry carrying. And the thirds that very impressive too was the towel wrap, specialize for your body after you take a bath. One the other one that's very interesting.
So, feel free to go to www.posylane.com. Because your respect and attention was the most important for them.
Posy Lane now has grow more confident in serve us. The most impressive one is the nap mat. The Posy Lane's nap mat has desingned for a young people. Paded and Lined with nylon and cotton with ribbon. The perfect material for the comfortable of our lovely kindergarten and preschool kids, beside you can carry that everywhere everytime. The second one was the laundry bag. Created with shoulder strap, this tools was a great combination with your laundry carrying. And the thirds that very impressive too was the towel wrap, specialize for your body after you take a bath. One the other one that's very interesting.
So, feel free to go to www.posylane.com. Because your respect and attention was the most important for them.
There are a lot of benefit for us if we can explore what is suitable for us in the internet. Because, now, internet has growing fast and almost as same as the real life. We can find job, shopping, learning and etc, with just surfing on the web. That all are so easy to do. But now, I will explain you the other academy program that will be great and useful to try. That’s medical assistant in St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants. A must try chance for us that interested with medical study program. Medical Assistant Online School is nationally credited and certified medical assistant program. It means that by joining this program, we will get national certificate after pass the exam.
Design with professional method, this ,This online medical assistants school will give you an online study at your own convenience as you like. Just sit down in front of your PC every where. Most o their students complete the program just in 2 month. And you can take as long as needed.The good news is, You will get very loose chance by joining this program. No deadline or limit. Wow, it was very easy for us that very busy. It will not disturb our activity. And the feedback, after you pass this online medical assistant school, you can get credited certificate. It’s very useful for you while you look for job.

Design with professional method, this ,This online medical assistants school will give you an online study at your own convenience as you like. Just sit down in front of your PC every where. Most o their students complete the program just in 2 month. And you can take as long as needed.The good news is, You will get very loose chance by joining this program. No deadline or limit. Wow, it was very easy for us that very busy. It will not disturb our activity. And the feedback, after you pass this online medical assistant school, you can get credited certificate. It’s very useful for you while you look for job.
Mass article, I am sure you just hear this words. Okay, Now, will inform you about mass article review. Mass article is a program that followed by article marketer, the people who write short articles related to their respective industry. Usually for publication and distribution. The mass article must have a unique and attractive method in their article. Because it was a business. People must not disappointed with their product. How to use mass article in our business?. It’s easy, because there is a mass article software or rewrite article software that has released by Adeel Chowdhry. It is Mass Article Control that can help you to use the mass article easily and effective. You can manage and submit your articles very easy, just visit www.we8888.com.
In www.we8888.com, you can learn more about the benefits of the article software in helping you creating the articles. Also about article marketing tools, because this tools are suitable and helpful for online marketers who want to get more profits from writing articles. We will also easier in getting all information we need about our related products. Because, the accuracy will be very important in promoting and intorduce their website. If we can give them a unique informations, they will be disappointed with our article. For more info, just click to www.we8888.com.

In www.we8888.com, you can learn more about the benefits of the article software in helping you creating the articles. Also about article marketing tools, because this tools are suitable and helpful for online marketers who want to get more profits from writing articles. We will also easier in getting all information we need about our related products. Because, the accuracy will be very important in promoting and intorduce their website. If we can give them a unique informations, they will be disappointed with our article. For more info, just click to www.we8888.com.
There's quite a bit of finger pointing about why Apple banned the Google Voice application from the iPhone store. And now that the FCC is officially investigating we can be assured it will end up in a legal morass.
In trying to figure out what exactly is at the heart of the problem (don't say Apple's "control issues"), I heard an interesting perspective on this brouhaha from Todd Barr, vice president of marketing at Bandwidth.com, a nationwide CLEC voice carrier that sells voice and data services to businesses.
Barr believes that what this controversy boils down to is number portability. Increasingly, our phone numbers (especially mobile numbers) have become our identity, and the FCC enacted the number portability act some time ago to make sure that businesses and consumers can take their number with them when they switch carriers. The FCC believes this is important because number portability ensures competition among providers and allows businesses and consumers to keep their number to ensure continuity of their identity.
At the time, the FCC contemplated carrier competition - but now, Barr described, there are these "meta" carriers, like Apple, that have a key control point in the telecom ecosystem: the phone user experience. "Just like users want to control their number and identity, they also will increasingly want to control their own telephony experience - like having one number, that can ring to any phone you specify, and even display the correct called-ID number when you call from any phone. Ultimately, I think the crux of the issues is how far the idea of number portability extends to the entire user telephony experience, not just the phone number."
This will be an increasingly important issue to carriers as they experiment with fixed-mobile convergence features that let business users control their call flows in more intuitive ways, such as sharing one number and common features across wireless and fixed networks.
It will also become very important for services like Google voice that abstract the number from the carrier and make the networks dumb pipes.
For users to ultimately be in control of their telephony experience and to encourage the next wave of telephony innovation, the concept of portability will need to extend beyond just numbers to the telephony user experience.
In trying to figure out what exactly is at the heart of the problem (don't say Apple's "control issues"), I heard an interesting perspective on this brouhaha from Todd Barr, vice president of marketing at Bandwidth.com, a nationwide CLEC voice carrier that sells voice and data services to businesses.
Barr believes that what this controversy boils down to is number portability. Increasingly, our phone numbers (especially mobile numbers) have become our identity, and the FCC enacted the number portability act some time ago to make sure that businesses and consumers can take their number with them when they switch carriers. The FCC believes this is important because number portability ensures competition among providers and allows businesses and consumers to keep their number to ensure continuity of their identity.
At the time, the FCC contemplated carrier competition - but now, Barr described, there are these "meta" carriers, like Apple, that have a key control point in the telecom ecosystem: the phone user experience. "Just like users want to control their number and identity, they also will increasingly want to control their own telephony experience - like having one number, that can ring to any phone you specify, and even display the correct called-ID number when you call from any phone. Ultimately, I think the crux of the issues is how far the idea of number portability extends to the entire user telephony experience, not just the phone number."
This will be an increasingly important issue to carriers as they experiment with fixed-mobile convergence features that let business users control their call flows in more intuitive ways, such as sharing one number and common features across wireless and fixed networks.
It will also become very important for services like Google voice that abstract the number from the carrier and make the networks dumb pipes.
For users to ultimately be in control of their telephony experience and to encourage the next wave of telephony innovation, the concept of portability will need to extend beyond just numbers to the telephony user experience.
If Microsoft falters as the exclusive provider for search on Yahoo's network of Web sites--when benchmarked against Google--Yahoo can back out of the deal.
Yahoo has the right to terminate the deal signed last week, "if the trailing 12-month average of the (revenue per search) in the United States (the "U.S. RPS") of Yahoo and Microsoft's combined queries falls below a specified percentage of Google Inc.'s ("Google") estimated RPS measured on a comparable basis or if the combined Yahoo! and Microsoft query market share in the United States falls below a specified percentage," according to a document filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
That should calm worries among a few of those who felt that with the deal, Yahoo's fortunes in the lucrative search-ad market were tied to the performance of Microsoft's search technology for a decade, which is more like a century in Internet years.
Yahoo and Microsoft had a combined U.S. query market share of 28 percent in June, compared to Google's 65 percent, according to ComScore. When it comes to revenue per search, according to Microsoft estimates spotted by the Associated Press, Yahoo was earning 4.3 cents in revenue per search, and Microsoft was earning 3.9 cents, while Google was earning 7 cents in revenue per search.
As might be expected, Yahoo declined to comment on the exact number for revenue per search or market share that would trigger the escape clause. Microsoft is planning to guarantee Yahoo's revenue per search for 18 months following the completion of the deal, so this clause would likely come into play following that period and prior to the five-year anniversary, when Yahoo can also re-evaluate whether it still likes the deal, based on its revenue per share viewed against Google's.
A few other details came out in the SEC filing:
• Microsoft is required to hire at least 400 Yahoo engineers and pay them "market-competitive compensation packages."
• The two companies have agreed to a "limited, nonexclusive" patent cross-licensing deal.
• All details must be hashed out by October 27, or the disputes will be taken to an arbitration panel.
Yahoo has the right to terminate the deal signed last week, "if the trailing 12-month average of the (revenue per search) in the United States (the "U.S. RPS") of Yahoo and Microsoft's combined queries falls below a specified percentage of Google Inc.'s ("Google") estimated RPS measured on a comparable basis or if the combined Yahoo! and Microsoft query market share in the United States falls below a specified percentage," according to a document filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
That should calm worries among a few of those who felt that with the deal, Yahoo's fortunes in the lucrative search-ad market were tied to the performance of Microsoft's search technology for a decade, which is more like a century in Internet years.
Yahoo and Microsoft had a combined U.S. query market share of 28 percent in June, compared to Google's 65 percent, according to ComScore. When it comes to revenue per search, according to Microsoft estimates spotted by the Associated Press, Yahoo was earning 4.3 cents in revenue per search, and Microsoft was earning 3.9 cents, while Google was earning 7 cents in revenue per search.
As might be expected, Yahoo declined to comment on the exact number for revenue per search or market share that would trigger the escape clause. Microsoft is planning to guarantee Yahoo's revenue per search for 18 months following the completion of the deal, so this clause would likely come into play following that period and prior to the five-year anniversary, when Yahoo can also re-evaluate whether it still likes the deal, based on its revenue per share viewed against Google's.
A few other details came out in the SEC filing:
• Microsoft is required to hire at least 400 Yahoo engineers and pay them "market-competitive compensation packages."
• The two companies have agreed to a "limited, nonexclusive" patent cross-licensing deal.
• All details must be hashed out by October 27, or the disputes will be taken to an arbitration panel.
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