I am sure you all must be know, that ebay was the top auction site in the world. But, ebay is rather boring auction site. We must bid with the high price and wait until the time reach the limit. But, there is a site that feel more interesting and more cheap than ebay. There is Bidhere.com. BidHere is a good and unique auction site when you want to find what you need. Especially for electronic tools. A very good opportunity for the auction or live auction. New ways offered for auction by BidHere.com. You just need to buy a point and you will not believe with what you see.
BidHere.com is an auction house, where the bolt of new products like the Nintendo, Apple iPod, laptops, digital cameras and LCD TVs are the daily auction block and sold at very crazy price. What are they? They offer the hottest gadgets and much more in demand at reasonable prices. That the latest offering from the new consumer electronics, watches and other consumables from leading manufacturers necessary. Bidhere is a unique auction on the Internet. But, you can also buy now thet item with the normal price.
Like most people, Bidhere was a very attractive and don't need a lot of internet speed connection. Bidhere is a place where products auction Penny as the new Nintendo Wii, Apple iPod, laptops, digital cameras and LCD televisions, which sell at a lower price. Most of these new products cost a cent!. I think you will be interested. But, you need a lot of point to defeat all of your competitor all around the world. Some gadgets at Bidhere Apple, iPhone, iPod, iMac, MacBook Pro, was around $20, and Sony, PS2, PS3, Xbox, games, consoles are at $5. Please note, most of the gadget shown at bidhere was a brand new and never opened. So, don't afraid in making auction of your favourite tools.
BidHere.com is an auction house, where the bolt of new products like the Nintendo, Apple iPod, laptops, digital cameras and LCD TVs are the daily auction block and sold at very crazy price. What are they? They offer the hottest gadgets and much more in demand at reasonable prices. That the latest offering from the new consumer electronics, watches and other consumables from leading manufacturers necessary. Bidhere is a unique auction on the Internet. But, you can also buy now thet item with the normal price.
Like most people, Bidhere was a very attractive and don't need a lot of internet speed connection. Bidhere is a place where products auction Penny as the new Nintendo Wii, Apple iPod, laptops, digital cameras and LCD televisions, which sell at a lower price. Most of these new products cost a cent!. I think you will be interested. But, you need a lot of point to defeat all of your competitor all around the world. Some gadgets at Bidhere Apple, iPhone, iPod, iMac, MacBook Pro, was around $20, and Sony, PS2, PS3, Xbox, games, consoles are at $5. Please note, most of the gadget shown at bidhere was a brand new and never opened. So, don't afraid in making auction of your favourite tools.
In this modern era, the function of web directory is very important. We need that facility to get the popularity of our site. By submitting our site to the one of many kinds of web directories, we can get some new visitors and we can promote our site automatically. But, many kinds of web directory can make us confuse. Which one will give us the best facilities? Which one will give us the best service? If our site in the business track, we can choose Jasmine as our business web directory.
Jasmine web directory is SEO friendly web directory. Just like DMOZ or Yahoo directory. It submit our site fast and effective. We can submit our site in some categories, such as art, news, games, health, politics, business, and etc. Beside it we can get automatic links from another site which have higher level than our site, so we can improve our site’s quality and quantity. Our site will become elite site that can compete with a lot of kinds of popular and famous sites. From the quality side, we can see that our site get q lot of quality backlinks from another popular and famous site that have high traffic. From the quantity side, our site’s links will be spread all over the world to get the maximum quantity of new visitors, and links. We can see the professional service of Jasmine business web directory, but who is behind it? We know that from the good project, there are good editors. The editors and the managements of Jasmine business web directory. They are professional managements that really support us.
Jasmine web directory is SEO friendly web directory. Just like DMOZ or Yahoo directory. It submit our site fast and effective. We can submit our site in some categories, such as art, news, games, health, politics, business, and etc. Beside it we can get automatic links from another site which have higher level than our site, so we can improve our site’s quality and quantity. Our site will become elite site that can compete with a lot of kinds of popular and famous sites. From the quality side, we can see that our site get q lot of quality backlinks from another popular and famous site that have high traffic. From the quantity side, our site’s links will be spread all over the world to get the maximum quantity of new visitors, and links. We can see the professional service of Jasmine business web directory, but who is behind it? We know that from the good project, there are good editors. The editors and the managements of Jasmine business web directory. They are professional managements that really support us.
Mungkin saat anda diperjalanan tiba tiba anda terima sebuah pesan yang mengharuskan anda membalas suatu email dengan segera. Atau klien yang minta penawaran harga lewat email sebelum jam tertentu, atau kekasih anda minta anda segera memberi keputusan yang harus dikirim lewat email dan sebagainya. Tentunya pilihan paling mudah buat anda adalah segera mengunjungi Warnet terdekat atau Cafe Cafe yang menyediakan Hotspot.
Nah kalau anda punya notebook yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas WIFI atau anda pemakai blueberry atau Handphone 3G dan PDA serta gadget lainya yang dapat terkoneksi ke internet.
Anda bisa mampir ditempat tempat ini dan bisa koneksi ke internet secara gratis dengan koneksi 802.11b Wi-Fi atau 802.11g Wi-Fi
berikut pilihan tempat yang mungkin tmpat paling mudah dicapai dan terdekat dari lokasi anda berada plus dengan link nya misalnya anda butuh informasi mengenai tempat tersebut.
Have a nice surfing and free services.
1. Bakmi Keriting Restaurant
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 1 Wisma BNI 46 Jakarta 10220
2. Fashion Cafe
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 1Wisma BNI 46 Jakarta 10220
3. Food Court Restaurant
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 1Wisma BNI 46 Jakarta 10220
4. Java Bay Cafe
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 1 Wisma BNI 46 Jakarta 10220
5. Mall - Plaza Senayan
Jl. Asia Afrika 8 Plaza Senayan Jakarta 10270
6. Marche Moven Pick Restaurant
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav X-0, Graha Surya Internusa Lt Dasar Jakarta 12950
7. Grand Melia Hotel
Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said Kav X-0, Hotel Grand Melia Jakarta 12950
update: sudah tidak gratis, Rp 75.000 / 2 jam (trims Kukuh)
8. Millenia RatuPlaza
Jl Jenderal Sudirman RatuPlaza eMall, 4th floor Jakarta 10220
9. Mall - Telkom Teleshop
Mall Taman Anggrek Jakarta Barat
10. Harris Hotel Tebet Jakarta
Jl. Dr Saharjo 191 Jakarta Selatan
11. Jakarta Convention Center
Jl. Gatot Subroto Senayan Jakarta Selatan
12. Mojo Cafe
Mangga Dua Square Level 3, Next to Surya Cinema Jakarta kota
13. Cyber Cafe
Orion Dusit Lantai Dasar. Jakarta Kota
14. Office - Istana Negara
Pers Room 1 President Office Jakarta Pusat
15. Office - Telkom
Jl. Gatot Subroto Graha Citra Caraka Jakarta Pusat
16. Dunkin Donat Pusat
Jl. Hayam Wuruk dekat dengan Wisma Hayam Wuruk Jakarta Kota
17. Plaza Semanggi. Lantai 1 dan lantai 2 dan Food court area
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Jakarta Selatan
18. Oma Sendok
di jalan Empu Sendok No. 45, Senopati keb baru Jakarta Selatan.
19. Bakoel koffie,
Bellaggio, Mega Kuningan.
20. BizNet Cafe,
Mega Kuningan
21. Delights cafe,
Jalan Kemang Raya, Kemang Jakarta Selatan.
22. Cafe Aksara Bookstore,
Kemang, Jakarta Selatan.
23. Restoran Hotel Grand Flora,
Kemang, Jakarta Selatan.
24. Cafe Lokananta,
Panglima Polim Selatan, Jakarta Selatan.
Jl. Benda No. 89, Kemang - Jakarta Selatan,
26. Mal Pondok Indah II,
mulai lantai paling bawah hingga ke lantai atas (foodcourt) khusus hari kerja.
27. Depok Town Square (Foodcourt)
28. ZOE Cafe, Depok
Nah kalau anda punya notebook yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas WIFI atau anda pemakai blueberry atau Handphone 3G dan PDA serta gadget lainya yang dapat terkoneksi ke internet.
Anda bisa mampir ditempat tempat ini dan bisa koneksi ke internet secara gratis dengan koneksi 802.11b Wi-Fi atau 802.11g Wi-Fi
berikut pilihan tempat yang mungkin tmpat paling mudah dicapai dan terdekat dari lokasi anda berada plus dengan link nya misalnya anda butuh informasi mengenai tempat tersebut.
Have a nice surfing and free services.
1. Bakmi Keriting Restaurant
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 1 Wisma BNI 46 Jakarta 10220
2. Fashion Cafe
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 1Wisma BNI 46 Jakarta 10220
3. Food Court Restaurant
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 1Wisma BNI 46 Jakarta 10220
4. Java Bay Cafe
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 1 Wisma BNI 46 Jakarta 10220
5. Mall - Plaza Senayan
Jl. Asia Afrika 8 Plaza Senayan Jakarta 10270
6. Marche Moven Pick Restaurant
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav X-0, Graha Surya Internusa Lt Dasar Jakarta 12950
7. Grand Melia Hotel
Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said Kav X-0, Hotel Grand Melia Jakarta 12950
update: sudah tidak gratis, Rp 75.000 / 2 jam (trims Kukuh)
8. Millenia RatuPlaza
Jl Jenderal Sudirman RatuPlaza eMall, 4th floor Jakarta 10220
9. Mall - Telkom Teleshop
Mall Taman Anggrek Jakarta Barat
10. Harris Hotel Tebet Jakarta
Jl. Dr Saharjo 191 Jakarta Selatan
11. Jakarta Convention Center
Jl. Gatot Subroto Senayan Jakarta Selatan
12. Mojo Cafe
Mangga Dua Square Level 3, Next to Surya Cinema Jakarta kota
13. Cyber Cafe
Orion Dusit Lantai Dasar. Jakarta Kota
14. Office - Istana Negara
Pers Room 1 President Office Jakarta Pusat
15. Office - Telkom
Jl. Gatot Subroto Graha Citra Caraka Jakarta Pusat
16. Dunkin Donat Pusat
Jl. Hayam Wuruk dekat dengan Wisma Hayam Wuruk Jakarta Kota
17. Plaza Semanggi. Lantai 1 dan lantai 2 dan Food court area
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Jakarta Selatan
18. Oma Sendok
di jalan Empu Sendok No. 45, Senopati keb baru Jakarta Selatan.
19. Bakoel koffie,
Bellaggio, Mega Kuningan.
20. BizNet Cafe,
Mega Kuningan
21. Delights cafe,
Jalan Kemang Raya, Kemang Jakarta Selatan.
22. Cafe Aksara Bookstore,
Kemang, Jakarta Selatan.
23. Restoran Hotel Grand Flora,
Kemang, Jakarta Selatan.
24. Cafe Lokananta,
Panglima Polim Selatan, Jakarta Selatan.
Jl. Benda No. 89, Kemang - Jakarta Selatan,
26. Mal Pondok Indah II,
mulai lantai paling bawah hingga ke lantai atas (foodcourt) khusus hari kerja.
27. Depok Town Square (Foodcourt)
28. ZOE Cafe, Depok
Mau share nih caranya inject nomer CDMA di Blackberry 8830, kalau untuk HH CDMA lainnya sih belum coba
1. Type ##000000 (Dial)
2. Di MDN (Mobile Destination Number), isi nomer yang akan di inject, jangan gunakan nol / 0 untuk CDMA Cellular (Fren, Smart), untuk CDMA FWA (Flexi, Esia, Hepi, StarOne) langsung isi no MDN saja, untuk kode are tidak perlu di isi.
3. Di bagian IMSI, silahkan IMSI untuk MDN tersebut, kalau di CDMA namanya MIN (Mobile Identification Number, biasanya diiringi dengan angka 198xxxx
4. Sisanya default.
5. A-Key, nah ini bagian yang cukup sulit, konsep inject itu sendiri adalah, mengawinkan MDN dengan ESN si HH / Handset. Biasanya di outlet-outlet yang terima inject, dia udah bekerja sama dengan operator setempat. Caranya adalah, kita kasi tau ESN dan MDN agar A-Key nya bisa tergenarate, total nomer yang akan diisi di field A-Key sebanyak 26
6. Di field bagian bawah adalah untuk aksed data (Usernam & Password), ini sama seperti kita isi Field APN di Option, Advance Option, TCP. Kalau di CDMA field ini yang akan diisi. Isi sesuai dengan pilihan operator masing.
7. Tekan Blackberry Menu (lambang blackberry) pilih SAVE, nanti dia akan merestart HH secara otomatis.
Note :
Bagian yang paling tersulit adalah, mensetting PRL untuk HH kita, ini dibutuhkan software khusus, karena sampai sekarang saya masih belum menemukan key untuk mengeluarkan menu PRL.
Mungkin teman-teman ada yg menggunakan handset CDMA keluaran Nokia, pernah mengalama kejadian Roaming (lambang segitiga) dibagian atas. Kenapa ini bisa terjadi? Karena pada handset CDMA keluaran Nokia, semua PRL operator CDMA di Indonesia didaftarkan, begitu kita ga dapet signal, si handset akan mencari signal terkuat berdasarkan PRL yang ada di memorynya (Sequence)
Untuk Blackberry tidak demikian, karena di Amerika sendiri, mereka sudah pasti akan meregister unit-unit mereka dengan settingan PRL mereka masing-masing. Jadi tidak akan terjadi overlapping.
1. Type ##000000 (Dial)
2. Di MDN (Mobile Destination Number), isi nomer yang akan di inject, jangan gunakan nol / 0 untuk CDMA Cellular (Fren, Smart), untuk CDMA FWA (Flexi, Esia, Hepi, StarOne) langsung isi no MDN saja, untuk kode are tidak perlu di isi.
3. Di bagian IMSI, silahkan IMSI untuk MDN tersebut, kalau di CDMA namanya MIN (Mobile Identification Number, biasanya diiringi dengan angka 198xxxx
4. Sisanya default.
5. A-Key, nah ini bagian yang cukup sulit, konsep inject itu sendiri adalah, mengawinkan MDN dengan ESN si HH / Handset. Biasanya di outlet-outlet yang terima inject, dia udah bekerja sama dengan operator setempat. Caranya adalah, kita kasi tau ESN dan MDN agar A-Key nya bisa tergenarate, total nomer yang akan diisi di field A-Key sebanyak 26
6. Di field bagian bawah adalah untuk aksed data (Usernam & Password), ini sama seperti kita isi Field APN di Option, Advance Option, TCP. Kalau di CDMA field ini yang akan diisi. Isi sesuai dengan pilihan operator masing.
7. Tekan Blackberry Menu (lambang blackberry) pilih SAVE, nanti dia akan merestart HH secara otomatis.
Note :
Bagian yang paling tersulit adalah, mensetting PRL untuk HH kita, ini dibutuhkan software khusus, karena sampai sekarang saya masih belum menemukan key untuk mengeluarkan menu PRL.
Mungkin teman-teman ada yg menggunakan handset CDMA keluaran Nokia, pernah mengalama kejadian Roaming (lambang segitiga) dibagian atas. Kenapa ini bisa terjadi? Karena pada handset CDMA keluaran Nokia, semua PRL operator CDMA di Indonesia didaftarkan, begitu kita ga dapet signal, si handset akan mencari signal terkuat berdasarkan PRL yang ada di memorynya (Sequence)
Untuk Blackberry tidak demikian, karena di Amerika sendiri, mereka sudah pasti akan meregister unit-unit mereka dengan settingan PRL mereka masing-masing. Jadi tidak akan terjadi overlapping.
Of all the precious metals, gold is the most popular as an investment. Investors generally buy gold as a hedge or safe haven against any economic, political, social or currency-based crises. These crises include investment market declines, currency failure, inflation, war and social unrest. Investors also buy gold during times of a bull market in an attempt to gain financially. Investors generally buy gold for two main reasons: because they believe that gold prices will continue to rise and thus that they can gain financially, and/or as a hedge or a perceived safe haven against any economic, political, social or currency-based crises. Of course prices can fall as well as rise, so investors must make a best guess on what the future holds.
A gold coin is a coin made mostly or entirely of gold. Gold has been used for coins practically since the invention of coinage, originally because of gold’s intrinsic value. In modern times, most gold coins are intended either to be sold to collectors, or to be used as bullion coins — coins whose nominal value is irrelevant and which serve primarily as a method of investing in gold.
While obsolete gold coins are primarily collected for their numismatic value, gold bullion coins today derive their value from the metal (gold) content — and as such are viewed by some investors as a “hedge” against inflation or a store of value.Bullion coins are also produced in fractions of an ounce – typically half ounce, quarter ounce, and one-tenth ounce. Bullion coins sometimes carry a face value as legal tender, The face value is minted on the coin, and it is done so in order to bestow legal tender status on a coin, which generally makes it easier to import or export across national borders. However, their real value is measured as dictated by their troy weight, the current market price of the precious metal contained, and the prevailing premium that market wishes to pay for those particular bullion coins. The face value is always significantly less than the bullion value of the coin.
A gold coin is a coin made mostly or entirely of gold. Gold has been used for coins practically since the invention of coinage, originally because of gold’s intrinsic value. In modern times, most gold coins are intended either to be sold to collectors, or to be used as bullion coins — coins whose nominal value is irrelevant and which serve primarily as a method of investing in gold.
While obsolete gold coins are primarily collected for their numismatic value, gold bullion coins today derive their value from the metal (gold) content — and as such are viewed by some investors as a “hedge” against inflation or a store of value.Bullion coins are also produced in fractions of an ounce – typically half ounce, quarter ounce, and one-tenth ounce. Bullion coins sometimes carry a face value as legal tender, The face value is minted on the coin, and it is done so in order to bestow legal tender status on a coin, which generally makes it easier to import or export across national borders. However, their real value is measured as dictated by their troy weight, the current market price of the precious metal contained, and the prevailing premium that market wishes to pay for those particular bullion coins. The face value is always significantly less than the bullion value of the coin.
You know payingpost? Yes, payingpost.com, One of the blog advertising broker has changed it’s name to be blogadvertisingstore.com. But, don’t worry, blog advertising store still use the old rules. You can still bid a job, write it and cash out your earning when it reach $100. You still have to reserve a job first before write it. But, you must compete with the other blogger for reserving the job. If you have full internet access in your house, it will be better if you check the opportunity everyday.
For you that prefer paid review, I am sure you know what it payingpost. Payingpost is one of paid review broker that can categorized as high rated, it’s because you will get a lot of job there. Especially if your blog have high pagerank and alexa score. We must diligent to check the opportunity. Blog marketing with blog advertising store is good for SEO and traffic too. Because we don’t need to put “blog advertising store” word in our post. Moreover your blog has included in DMOZ or yahoo directory. You can read a lot of helpful article in blog advertising store, such as best blog advertising methods to bring in traffic.
The job in blog advertising store is very various. For 2-3 pagerank blog, we can get $5 - $12 per post. And if your blog have 4 – 5 pagerank, you will get $20 - $30 each post. And after you reach $100, you can withdraw it to your paypal account. So, for you that have become blog advertising store member, you must often to check for the opportunity. And for you that haven’t become a member, please register your blog and begin to monetize your blog. It’s absolutely free.
kebetulan nih gw abis ngerjain tugas kuliah gw, trus tugasnya disuruh fax kerumah dosen( "yang aneh!" masa tugas di fax bukan kirim via email j!) tugas dah gw ketik trus mikir - mikir buat ngerogoh kocek buat nyari wartel yang bisa ngefax, apalagi sekarang wartel banyak yang bangkrut. trus gw inget pelajaran SMP gw dulu kalo mikocok wot bisa kirim fax bahkan email, ydah mari belajar soal tekhnisnya.
Untuk dapat mengirim fax yang berupa file doc atau apapun anda sebenarnya bisa melakukan langsung lewat komputer dengan syarat komputer sudah disetup untuk piranti fax dan dilengkapi dengan modem.
Untuk mengaktifkan piranti fax pada windows xp dilakukan dengan cara berikut :
1. Masukkan cd master windows xp yang sesuai dengan yang dipasang di komputer apakah sp1 atau sp2.
2. Buka control panel -> add or remove progams
3. Klik add/remove windows components
4. Isi tanda centang pada fax service kemudian klik next
5. Jika sudah selesai proses klik finish
Untuk mengecek apakah fax service sudah terinstall anda dapat melihatnya di
start -> printer & faxes. Apakah sudah ada gambar faxnya.
Untuk mengirim fax :
1. Buka jenis program apapun yang sesuai dengan file yang akan dikirim, apakah doc, xls, dll
2. Untuk extension doc anda pasti akan membuka microsoft word.
3. Buka microsoft word, jika sudah selesai, klik File -> Print
4. Untuk jenis printernya anda pilih "fax"
5. Masukkan nomer tujuan.
6. Document anda sudah terkirim ke fax tujuan.
Untuk dapat mengirim fax yang berupa file doc atau apapun anda sebenarnya bisa melakukan langsung lewat komputer dengan syarat komputer sudah disetup untuk piranti fax dan dilengkapi dengan modem.
Untuk mengaktifkan piranti fax pada windows xp dilakukan dengan cara berikut :
1. Masukkan cd master windows xp yang sesuai dengan yang dipasang di komputer apakah sp1 atau sp2.
2. Buka control panel -> add or remove progams
3. Klik add/remove windows components
4. Isi tanda centang pada fax service kemudian klik next
5. Jika sudah selesai proses klik finish
Untuk mengecek apakah fax service sudah terinstall anda dapat melihatnya di
start -> printer & faxes. Apakah sudah ada gambar faxnya.
Untuk mengirim fax :
1. Buka jenis program apapun yang sesuai dengan file yang akan dikirim, apakah doc, xls, dll
2. Untuk extension doc anda pasti akan membuka microsoft word.
3. Buka microsoft word, jika sudah selesai, klik File -> Print
4. Untuk jenis printernya anda pilih "fax"
5. Masukkan nomer tujuan.
6. Document anda sudah terkirim ke fax tujuan.
nite blogger, do you know about main function of computer? One of computer’s main function is to store datas. Computer can store data on harddrives, optical medias, etc. Optical media storage, which are read-only, has the advantage to keep computer data safe. This is due to read-only access to keep data safe from malware or viruses attacks. In addition to computer data, optical media such as CD-R and DVD-R is also used in the audio and video industries.
at the beggining in the United States, there was a market separation between ‘Music CD-R’ and ‘Data CD-R’, the former being several times more expensive than the latter due to industry copyright. Physically, there is no difference between the discs save for the Disc Application Flag that identifies their type: standalone audio recorders will only accept ‘Music CD-R’, while computer CD-R drives can use either type of media to burn either type of data files. Until then, Taiyo Yuden was developed dye materials made it possible for CD-R discs to be compatible with Audio CD and CD-ROM discs.
According to Wikipedia, the basic formulations of dye used in Taiyo Yuden CD-Rs is Cyanine. Cyanine dye CD-Rs were the earliest ones developed, and their formulation is patented by Taiyo Yuden. CD-Rs based on this dye are mostly green in color. The earlier models were very chemically unstable and this made cyanine based discs unsuitable for archival use; they could fade and become unreadable in a few years. Many manufacturers like Taiyo Yuden use proprietary chemical additives to make more stable cyanine discs (”metal stabilized Cyanine”, “Super Cyanine”). Older cyanine dye based CD-Rs, as well as all the hybrid dyes based on cyanine, were very sensitive to UV-rays and could have become unreadable after only a few days if they were exposed to direct sunlight. Although the additives used have made cyanine more stable, it is still the most sensitive of the dyes in UV rays (showing signs of degradation within a week of direct sunlight exposure). A common mistake users make is to leave the CD-Rs with the “clear” (recording) surface upwards, in order to protect it from scratches, as this lets the sun hit the recording surface directly.
Beside CD-Rs, they also manufactured Taiyo Yuden DVD-Rs. DVD media manufactured my Taiyo Yuden known by following media codes, for more information about it you can see on wikipedia.
hope this article can help blogger for choose the best Optical storage for you data.
at the beggining in the United States, there was a market separation between ‘Music CD-R’ and ‘Data CD-R’, the former being several times more expensive than the latter due to industry copyright. Physically, there is no difference between the discs save for the Disc Application Flag that identifies their type: standalone audio recorders will only accept ‘Music CD-R’, while computer CD-R drives can use either type of media to burn either type of data files. Until then, Taiyo Yuden was developed dye materials made it possible for CD-R discs to be compatible with Audio CD and CD-ROM discs.
According to Wikipedia, the basic formulations of dye used in Taiyo Yuden CD-Rs is Cyanine. Cyanine dye CD-Rs were the earliest ones developed, and their formulation is patented by Taiyo Yuden. CD-Rs based on this dye are mostly green in color. The earlier models were very chemically unstable and this made cyanine based discs unsuitable for archival use; they could fade and become unreadable in a few years. Many manufacturers like Taiyo Yuden use proprietary chemical additives to make more stable cyanine discs (”metal stabilized Cyanine”, “Super Cyanine”). Older cyanine dye based CD-Rs, as well as all the hybrid dyes based on cyanine, were very sensitive to UV-rays and could have become unreadable after only a few days if they were exposed to direct sunlight. Although the additives used have made cyanine more stable, it is still the most sensitive of the dyes in UV rays (showing signs of degradation within a week of direct sunlight exposure). A common mistake users make is to leave the CD-Rs with the “clear” (recording) surface upwards, in order to protect it from scratches, as this lets the sun hit the recording surface directly.
Beside CD-Rs, they also manufactured Taiyo Yuden DVD-Rs. DVD media manufactured my Taiyo Yuden known by following media codes, for more information about it you can see on wikipedia.
hope this article can help blogger for choose the best Optical storage for you data.
Have you ever plan to make your own film? Alright, you can make your own film from your interesting experiences. You can edit your footage, add a professional transitions, add some special effects for your own films and the perfect soundtrack and effect. The solution is by using ArcSoft’s ShowBiz. By using it (ShowBiz, which is a popular filmmaking program) as the filmmaking tool we will get the best service for our future advantages and the maximum satisfaction. ).
ShowBiz has more special features than Windows Movie Maker (which ships with Windows XP Home and Professional Editions), and it is easier to use. The program can runs on Windows 98 SE/Me/2000. After you install ShowBiz, you can run it from the Start menu by choosing Start > All Programs > ArcSoft > ShowBiz. It has four major controls that used to edit movies they are : Media library, Player window, Storyboard strip, and Timeline strip. ArcSoft’s ShowBiz is a video editor that allow you to use the raw footage, or video clip, you can transferred to your hard drive from a DV camcorder. You can also import digital picture or video and use them anywhere you like within your movie even directly from your PC or your digital camera.
Related Title :
ShowBiz has more special features than Windows Movie Maker (which ships with Windows XP Home and Professional Editions), and it is easier to use. The program can runs on Windows 98 SE/Me/2000. After you install ShowBiz, you can run it from the Start menu by choosing Start > All Programs > ArcSoft > ShowBiz. It has four major controls that used to edit movies they are : Media library, Player window, Storyboard strip, and Timeline strip. ArcSoft’s ShowBiz is a video editor that allow you to use the raw footage, or video clip, you can transferred to your hard drive from a DV camcorder. You can also import digital picture or video and use them anywhere you like within your movie even directly from your PC or your digital camera.
Related Title :
There is a new released online game to try. Named “AION”. With reliable story and adventure. Will take you to the world of war. With its amazing graphics, aion will bring your gaming experience to the next level, by offering a greater control over your viewpoint. There are a lot of things you must know about this new MMO Online game. Aion give you real player versus player aerial combat. This feature is one of the greatest critical successes of Aion, and is exciting gamers in North America, Europe and Australia. They make the game higher than the standards of all their previous MMORPG game experience. The character’s weapon and ability in fights will look more real.

Aion is set to revolutionize MMORPG gameplay by offering the Abyss, which is its P v P battle space, consisting of three layers. Players from belligerent sides battle for the control of these castles, commanding legions, which are the Aion version of guilds. The top layer contains five castles and eight artifacts, the center layer consists of one castle and seven artifacts, and the bottom layer holds three castles and seven artifacts. The story of the game is begin in a world known as Atreia, ruled by a creator god named Aion. Atreia splits into two parts, due to the constant conflict among its creatures, a brighter part ruled by the Elyos and a darker part ruled by the Asmodians. Like the other previous game, your character will get basic skill, and your job is making him to be a hero. You can upgrade and unlock a lot of skill to help you realize it. 24 players allowed to play together.
Aion, which is produced by NCsoft, a South Korean computer games company. This game has won a lot of awards. Especially for best graphic. Don’t worry to try it, you can also discuss with the other player in aion forum if you have a problem. SO, just try and enjoy the game.
Aion is set to revolutionize MMORPG gameplay by offering the Abyss, which is its P v P battle space, consisting of three layers. Players from belligerent sides battle for the control of these castles, commanding legions, which are the Aion version of guilds. The top layer contains five castles and eight artifacts, the center layer consists of one castle and seven artifacts, and the bottom layer holds three castles and seven artifacts. The story of the game is begin in a world known as Atreia, ruled by a creator god named Aion. Atreia splits into two parts, due to the constant conflict among its creatures, a brighter part ruled by the Elyos and a darker part ruled by the Asmodians. Like the other previous game, your character will get basic skill, and your job is making him to be a hero. You can upgrade and unlock a lot of skill to help you realize it. 24 players allowed to play together.
Aion, which is produced by NCsoft, a South Korean computer games company. This game has won a lot of awards. Especially for best graphic. Don’t worry to try it, you can also discuss with the other player in aion forum if you have a problem. SO, just try and enjoy the game.
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Host Gator provides shared, reseller and dedicated hosting solution. They understand that your site need the best performance. Especially for beginners and professional. The shared hosting is only $4,95/month, the reseller hosting at $24,95/month, and dedicated at around $174,00/month. All of them have include al best features and tools. But, it doesn’t include domain. Host gator serve you with care and easiest way. You can still use C-Panel for your control panel that generally easy to use. You can use Fantastico too.
Don’t worry about your purchase, because host gator will serve you all time, 24 hours, 7 days non stop and 45 days for satisfy money back guarantee. You can learn about the service more details on the site. There are host gator forum and online guide or tutorials. You can also look for the new packet and prices there that you maybe interest.
SO, don’t worry to give the best for your site. Host gator will serve you with the popular stable linux server.
kemarin abis ubek - ubek counter di ambasador nih..
niatnya sih cuman cari info harga pasaran blackberry, eh malah dapat ilmu yang lumayan berguna dari mbak - mbak cantik yang kesemsem sama kekerenan gw(PD dahsyat bgt gw). dia ngasih tau cara unlock Haier C6000. Caranya cukup mudah, ikuti langkah-langkahnya berikut ini :
* Sebelumnya, pastikan kondisi baterai HP Anda masih dalam kondisi cukup.
* Ketik “*32#00#” (tanpa tanda kutip) dan akhiri dengan tombol Dial
* Pilih opsi “Minlock Off”
* Restart HP dan selanjutnya Anda sudah bisa gunakan kartu CDMA lain.
sekarang Anda bisa pilih provider yang Anda suka. buat recomend sih pake Smart atau StarOne punya paket Internet murah. Saya yakin Anda sendiri sudah punya pilihan tersendiri. Namun, terlepas dari itu semua, HP ini patut dipertimbangkan sebagai prasarana alternatif koneksi akses internet via HP. Selain harganya murah, dengan kombinasi kartu perdana yang tepat kita ga perlu jauh-jauh ke warnet hanya untuk sekedar mengakses internet.
niatnya sih cuman cari info harga pasaran blackberry, eh malah dapat ilmu yang lumayan berguna dari mbak - mbak cantik yang kesemsem sama kekerenan gw(PD dahsyat bgt gw). dia ngasih tau cara unlock Haier C6000. Caranya cukup mudah, ikuti langkah-langkahnya berikut ini :
* Sebelumnya, pastikan kondisi baterai HP Anda masih dalam kondisi cukup.
* Ketik “*32#00#” (tanpa tanda kutip) dan akhiri dengan tombol Dial
* Pilih opsi “Minlock Off”
* Restart HP dan selanjutnya Anda sudah bisa gunakan kartu CDMA lain.
sekarang Anda bisa pilih provider yang Anda suka. buat recomend sih pake Smart atau StarOne punya paket Internet murah. Saya yakin Anda sendiri sudah punya pilihan tersendiri. Namun, terlepas dari itu semua, HP ini patut dipertimbangkan sebagai prasarana alternatif koneksi akses internet via HP. Selain harganya murah, dengan kombinasi kartu perdana yang tepat kita ga perlu jauh-jauh ke warnet hanya untuk sekedar mengakses internet.
Nokia menyindir Apple dan mengklaim ponsel cerdas keluarannya, N97 lebih baik ketimbang iPhone 3GS baik dari segi harga maupun kemampuan. Nokia N97 merupakan ponsel model terakhir yang dikeluarkan vendor ponsel asal Finlandia itu, ke pasaran. Di tengah persaingan dengan produsen vendor lainnya, General Manager, Nokia Inggris, Mike Loughran mengeluarkan komentar yang menyudutkan ponsel keluaran terakhir Apple iPhone 3GS.
"iPhone merupakan sebuah evolusi bukan sebuah revolusi dan setiap orang tentunya akan memutuskan untuk memilih nokia N97 atau iPhone tergantung dari kemampuan dan harga, " kata Loughran. Menurut Loughran, desain iPhone selalu sama mulai dari bentuk maupun warna. "Kameranya pun masih sangat kecil, hanya diupgrade hingga 3.2 megapiksel, hal itu jelas akan membuat semua orang kecewa," kata loughran. Ia membandingkan, iphone 3GS dengan, handset kebanggaannya N97. Jika dibandingkan dengan N97 maka kemampuan iPhone dinilainya jauh berada di bawah. N97 hadir di pasaran dengan kamera beresolusi 5.0 megapiksel dengan fitur lensa keluaran carl Zeiss Optic. Tak hanya itu kamera N97 juga memiliki kemampuan 4x digital zoom, auto focus, self timer, sequence mode, dan video recording. sejak diluncurkan, N97 memang telah menggoda banyak penggila ponsel. Penjualan ponsel tersebut cenderung meningkat sejak beredar di pasaran.
"iPhone merupakan sebuah evolusi bukan sebuah revolusi dan setiap orang tentunya akan memutuskan untuk memilih nokia N97 atau iPhone tergantung dari kemampuan dan harga, " kata Loughran. Menurut Loughran, desain iPhone selalu sama mulai dari bentuk maupun warna. "Kameranya pun masih sangat kecil, hanya diupgrade hingga 3.2 megapiksel, hal itu jelas akan membuat semua orang kecewa," kata loughran. Ia membandingkan, iphone 3GS dengan, handset kebanggaannya N97. Jika dibandingkan dengan N97 maka kemampuan iPhone dinilainya jauh berada di bawah. N97 hadir di pasaran dengan kamera beresolusi 5.0 megapiksel dengan fitur lensa keluaran carl Zeiss Optic. Tak hanya itu kamera N97 juga memiliki kemampuan 4x digital zoom, auto focus, self timer, sequence mode, dan video recording. sejak diluncurkan, N97 memang telah menggoda banyak penggila ponsel. Penjualan ponsel tersebut cenderung meningkat sejak beredar di pasaran.