Entrecard is a rising social network like the many others on the internet. The idea is very simple, you create a sort of business card for your blog, a small 125×125 pixels image, that you pay with credits to appear on somebody’s blog.
The credits called Entrecard Credits or EC are easy to be made if you actively participate in the community. Also you can pay them with cash. A few weeks ago Entrecard implemented a system of paid ads, which you buy with cash. Also a cash out system is on it’s way which will give members the opportunity to sell their credits for money.
For the moment this community is very active and is going to provide your site with a lot of traffic but the quality of this traffic is yet to be determined. In my opinion, after spending a lot of time analyzing my traffic with tools like Google Analytics and Crazy Egg (which by the way is an awesome tool which shows you exactly where your visitors clicked), I discovered that most of the visitors referred by Entrecard where just visiting a few seconds and only clicked on the Entrecard widget. This practice is getting them 1 EC and for me only false hopes when I see the number of visitors on my site. This is why I positioned my widget on the right side after the others. So at least now the Entrecarders are now forced to scroll down and MAYBE on their way down something interesting will catch their attention.
The credits called Entrecard Credits or EC are easy to be made if you actively participate in the community. Also you can pay them with cash. A few weeks ago Entrecard implemented a system of paid ads, which you buy with cash. Also a cash out system is on it’s way which will give members the opportunity to sell their credits for money.
For the moment this community is very active and is going to provide your site with a lot of traffic but the quality of this traffic is yet to be determined. In my opinion, after spending a lot of time analyzing my traffic with tools like Google Analytics and Crazy Egg (which by the way is an awesome tool which shows you exactly where your visitors clicked), I discovered that most of the visitors referred by Entrecard where just visiting a few seconds and only clicked on the Entrecard widget. This practice is getting them 1 EC and for me only false hopes when I see the number of visitors on my site. This is why I positioned my widget on the right side after the others. So at least now the Entrecarders are now forced to scroll down and MAYBE on their way down something interesting will catch their attention.
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